
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* @version $Revision: 1328 $ * @modifiedby $Author: jacquem $ * @lastmodified $Date: 2011-10-03 17:04:17 +0200 (Mon, 03 Oct 2011) $ */
00003 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00004 //                                                                      //
00005 // Crossdaq  for MICROMEGAS READOUT                                     //
00006 //                                                                      //
00007 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00008 // 20091109 -
00009 // - The absolute bcId is always counted at 5MHz,
00010 //   other bcId depend on the bunch crossing period
00011 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00013 #ifndef DIRAC_READER_HH
00014 #define DIRAC_READER_HH
00016 #include <stdlib.h>
00017 #include "mTypes.h"
00018 #include "DifReader.hh"
00020 #define LABVIEW_DIRAC_READER "labviewDirac"
00022 class Run;
00023 class Event;
00024 class Detector;
00025 class ChannelHit;
00027 #include <vector>
00029 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00030   class DiracChannelConfig {
00031     public:
00032       // ------ data members -------//
00033       bool test;                                     // bit 1
00034       bool enable;                                   // bit 0
00035   }; // class DiracChannelConfig
00037 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00038 // Configuration Chip
00039   class DiracChipConfig {
00040     public:
00041       bool read(unsigned char *buf);
00042     public:
00043       // ------ data members -------//
00044       ui16 gain;                                     // 3 bits (0-2)
00045       bool analogData;                               // bit 3
00046       // all data are shifted by 4 bits...
00047       ui16 bHiThreshold;                             // 8 bits for channels 32-63
00048       ui16 bMidThreshold;                            // 8 bits
00049       ui16 bLoThreshold;                             // 8 bits
00050       ui16 aHiThreshold;                             // 8 bits for channels 0-31
00051       ui16 aMidThreshold;                            // 8 bits
00052       ui16 aLoThreshold;                             // 8 bits
00053       DiracChannelConfig chConfig[64];               // 64 * 2 bits
00054   }; // class DiracChipConfig
00056 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00057 // Configuration DIF
00058   class DiracDifConfig {
00059     public:
00060       bool read(unsigned char *buf);
00061     public:
00062       // ------ data members -------//
00063       i32 id;                                        // difId
00064       ui32 bcPeriod;                                 // the BC period in nanoseconds
00065       // --- configuration data for the DIF
00066       bool powerPulsing;                             // bit 6
00067       bool analogReading;                            // bit 5
00068       bool digitalReading;                           // bit 4
00069       ui16 acqMode;                                  // 4 bits (0-3) / 8
00070       ui16 lowState;                                 // 12 bits (0-11 / 16)
00071       ui16 highState;                                // 12 bits (0-11 / 16)
00072       ui16 afterState;                               // 6 bits (0-5) / 8
00073       ui16 beforeState;                              // 6 bits (0-5) / 8
00074       bool inverted;                                 // bit 11
00075       bool ctestEnable;                              // bit 10
00076       ui16 ctestPeriod;                              // 10 bits (0-9 / 16)
00077       ui16 ctestDelay;                               // 10 bits (0-9 / 16)
00078       ui16 ctestWidth;                               // 10 bits (0-9 / 16)
00079       ui16 triggerDelay;                             // 10 bits (0-9 / 16)
00080       ui32 charge;                                   // 32 bits
00081       // --- configuration data for each chip
00082       i32 nbChips;                                   // number of Dirac chips
00083       std::vector<DiracChipConfig> chipConfigs;      // config for each chip
00084   }; // class DiracDifConfig
00086 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00087 // 8 trigger infos for each DIF which sends data
00088   class DiracTriggerInfo {
00089     public:
00090       DiracTriggerInfo();
00091       bool read(unsigned char *buf);
00092     public:
00093       // ------ data members -------//
00094       // --- data acquisition
00095       ui16 bcId;      // 12-bit bcId from dirac chip
00096       ui16 data[64];  // the data
00097       // --- configuration
00098       bool reject;    // bit 0
00099       ui16 pileUp;    // 5 bits (1-5)
00100       ui16 trigger;   // 10 bits (6-15)
00101       i64 bcIdAbs;    // 48 bits (16-63)
00102       ui32 bcIdFpga;  // 16 bits (64-79)
00103   }; // class DiracTriggerInfo
00105 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00106 ///     CLASS DATAREADER                                                //
00107 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00108 class DiracReader : public DifReader {
00110   // public methods
00111   public:
00112     DiracReader(Run& aRun, FILE *aFile, ui32 firstEventId);
00113     ~DiracReader();
00114     int getNextEvent(Event& eventToFill);
00115     static const char *type(const int subtype = 0) { return LABVIEW_DIRAC_READER; };
00117   //------ methods --------//
00118   private:
00119     void reset();
00120     int getConfigData();
00121     int getAcqData();
00122     int storeHits(Event& event);
00123     ChannelHit *newHit(Event& event, const DiracDifConfig& difConfig, const DiracTriggerInfo& trigInfo, const int chipNum, const int chNum);
00124     void storeDifInfo(const int difId);
00126   // ------ data members -------//
00127   protected:
00128     unsigned short CRC;            // current CRC for the whole file
00130     // DIFs and chips
00131     int nbDifs;                    // number of Difs which sent data
00132     std::vector<DiracDifConfig> difConfigs; //
00134     // data reconstruction
00135     i64 bcId_AbsOrg;               // the bcId origin, at 5MHz, for the whole file
00136     int acqDifId;                  // Id of the current DIF board
00137     DiracTriggerInfo trigInfos[8];
00138 }; // class DiracReader
00140 #endif // DIRAC_READER_HH

Generated on Mon Jan 7 13:15:20 2013 for MicromegasFramework by  doxygen 1.4.7