
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* @version $Revision: 1566 $ * @modifiedby $Author: jacquem $ * @lastmodified $Date: 2012-03-08 14:00:10 +0100 (Thu, 08 Mar 2012) $ */
00002 #include <TROOT.h>
00003 #include <TCanvas.h>
00004 #include <TTree.h>
00005 #include <TFile.h>
00006 #include <TSystem.h>
00007 #include <TColor.h>
00008 #include <TStyle.h>
00009 #include <TAxis.h>
00010 #include <TString.h>
00011 #include <TGraph.h>
00012 #include <TLegend.h>
00013 #include <TCanvas.h>
00014 #include <TApplication.h>
00015 #include <TList.h>
00016 #include <TH2F.h>
00018 #include <sstream>
00019 #include <fstream>
00021 #include "Log.hh"
00022 #include "Run.hh"
00023 #include "Chamber.hh"
00024 #include "Event.hh"
00025 #include "Detector.hh"
00026 #include "Centaure.hh"
00027 #include "DiracLabview.hh"
00028 #include "DiracChamber1.hh"
00029 #include "GassiplexChamber1.hh"
00030 #include "GassiplexChamber4.hh"
00031 #include "Hardroc1Chamber.hh"
00032 #include "XMLTool.hh"
00036 string itos(int i)
00037 {
00038         stringstream s;
00039         s << i;
00040         return s.str();
00041 }
00044 typedef struct{
00045         Short_t fChipID;
00046         Short_t fRunNb;
00047         UInt_t fChannelMin, fChannelStep, fChannelMax;
00048         Double_t fAmplitudeMin, fAmplitudeStep, fAmplitudeMax;
00049         UInt_t fDacMinA[3],fDacStepA[3],fDacMaxA[3];
00050         UInt_t fDacMinB[3],fDacStepB[3],fDacMaxB[3];
00051         UInt_t fNbDump;
00052 }THeader;
00054 using namespace std;
00057 /*****************************************************************************************
00058   Lecture des arguments
00059 *****************************************************************************************/
00060 int main(int argc, char **argv){  
00061   FILELog::ReportingLevel() = FILELog::FromString(INFO);
00063   //----- Control usage and option
00064   if ( argc != 4  ) {
00065    FILE_LOG(logERROR)  << "usage: DiracScurve streeFile header rootFile" << endl;
00066    exit(1);
00067   }
00069   string steerName;
00070   steerName.assign(argv[1]);
00072   string headerName;
00073   headerName.assign(argv[2]);
00075   string OutputName;
00076   OutputName.assign(argv[3]);
00080 /*****************************************************************************************
00081   Ouverture des fichiers
00082 *****************************************************************************************/
00083 // test if steerfile exist
00084         FILE *file = fopen(steerName.c_str(), "r");
00085         if(file == NULL){
00086                 FILE_LOG(logERROR)  << "Steer file ["<< steerName.c_str() << "] does not exist" << endl;
00087                 exit(0);
00088                 fclose(file);
00089         }
00091 // test if header file exist
00092         fstream HeaderFile;
00093         HeaderFile.open(headerName.c_str(),ifstream::in) ;
00095 // create Run, set detector and steerDesc from steer XML file
00096         SteerDesc steerDesc;
00097         XMLTool xml;
00098         xml.parse(steerDesc, steerName);
00099         Detector detector;
00100         Run run(detector);
00101         if  ( !steerDesc.setRun(run))
00102         {
00103           exit(-1);
00104         }
00105         fclose(file);
00106         string rootName = "default.root";
00107         if ( steerDesc.outputFile.length() != 0)  { rootName = steerDesc.outputFile; }
00108 /*****************************************************************************************
00109   Lecture du header
00110 *****************************************************************************************/
00111         char strReadLine[256];
00112         THeader MyHeader;
00113         Bool_t bFlagRun = true;
00114         while((HeaderFile.eof()!=1) && bFlagRun){
00115                 if (HeaderFile.bad()==1)        cerr << "Error reading file !" << endl ;        
00116                 HeaderFile.getline(strReadLine,256) ;
00117                 // Read Chip Identifier
00118                 if (!strncmp(strReadLine,"Chip dirac N = ",15)){
00119                         sscanf(&strReadLine[15],"%hd",&(MyHeader.fChipID));
00120                 }
00121                 // Read Run Number
00122                 if (!strncmp(strReadLine,"nbrun = ",18)){
00123                         sscanf(&strReadLine[8],"%hd",&(MyHeader.fRunNb));
00124                 }
00125                 // Read Channel Interval
00126                 if (!strncmp(strReadLine,"CH_min:CH_step:CH_max = ",24)){
00127                         sscanf(&strReadLine[24],"%d %d %d",&(MyHeader.fChannelMin),&(MyHeader.fChannelStep),&(MyHeader.fChannelMax));
00128                 }
00129                 // Read Amplitude Interval
00130                 if (!strncmp(strReadLine,"Q_min:Q_step:Q_max = ",21)){
00131                         sscanf(&strReadLine[21],"%lE %lE %lE",&(MyHeader.fAmplitudeMin),&(MyHeader.fAmplitudeStep),&(MyHeader.fAmplitudeMax));
00132                 }
00133                 // Read DAC_A Interval High
00134                 if (!strncmp(strReadLine,"HI_A_min:HI_A_step:HI_A_max = ",30)){
00135                         sscanf(&strReadLine[30],"%d %d %d",&(MyHeader.fDacMinA[2]),&(MyHeader.fDacStepA[2]),&(MyHeader.fDacMaxA[2]));
00136                 }
00137                 // Read DAC_A Interval Mid
00138                 if (!strncmp(strReadLine,"MID_A_min:MID_A_step:MID_A_max = ",33)){
00139                         sscanf(&strReadLine[33],"%d %d %d",&(MyHeader.fDacMinA[1]),&(MyHeader.fDacStepA[1]),&(MyHeader.fDacMaxA[1]));
00140                 }
00141                 // Read DAC_A Interval Low
00142                 if (!strncmp(strReadLine,"LO_A_min:LO_A_step:LO_A_max = ",30)){
00143                         sscanf(&strReadLine[30],"%d %d %d",&(MyHeader.fDacMinA[0]),&(MyHeader.fDacStepA[0]),&(MyHeader.fDacMaxA[0]));
00144                 }
00145                 // Read DAC_B Interval High
00146                 if (!strncmp(strReadLine,"HI_B_min:HI_B_step:HI_B_max = ",30)){
00147                         sscanf(&strReadLine[30],"%d %d %d",&(MyHeader.fDacMinB[2]),&(MyHeader.fDacStepB[2]),&(MyHeader.fDacMaxB[2]));
00148                 }
00149                 // Read DAC_B Interval Mid
00150                 if (!strncmp(strReadLine,"MID_B_min:MID_B_step:MID_B_max = ",33)){
00151                         sscanf(&strReadLine[33],"%d %d %d",&(MyHeader.fDacMinB[1]),&(MyHeader.fDacStepB[1]),&(MyHeader.fDacMaxB[1]));
00152                 }
00153                 // Read DAC_B Interval Low
00154                 if (!strncmp(strReadLine,"LO_B_min:LO_B_step:LO_B_max = ",30)){
00155                         sscanf(&strReadLine[30],"%d %d %d",&(MyHeader.fDacMinB[0]),&(MyHeader.fDacStepB[0]),&(MyHeader.fDacMaxB[0]));           
00156                 }
00157                 // Read Number of Dump
00158                 if (!strncmp(strReadLine,"nb acquisitions = ",18)){
00159                         sscanf(&strReadLine[18],"%d",&(MyHeader.fNbDump));
00160                 }
00161         }
00163 /*****************************************************************************************
00164   Ouverture du fichier root
00165 *****************************************************************************************/
00166         gSystem->Load("libMicro.so");
00167         TFile *f = new TFile(rootName.c_str());
00168         if ( f->IsZombie()) {
00169                 FILE_LOG(logERROR) << "Root file ["<< rootName.c_str() << "] does not exist" << endl;
00170                 exit(-1);
00171         }
00172         TTree *tree = (TTree *) gROOT->FindObject("t1");
00173         Int_t iNbEntries=tree->GetEntries();
00174         FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Number of reoncstruct events: " << iNbEntries << endl;
00175         MTEvent *evt = new MTEvent();
00176         TBranch *branch= tree->GetBranch("MTEvent");
00177         branch->SetAddress(&evt);
00179 /*****************************************************************************************
00180   Vérification du nombre d'évenements
00181 *****************************************************************************************/
00182         Int_t iNbEvent=0;
00183         for (Double_t IndAmplitude = MyHeader.fAmplitudeMin;IndAmplitude <= (MyHeader.fAmplitudeMax+MyHeader.fAmplitudeStep/2);IndAmplitude += MyHeader.fAmplitudeStep){
00184                 FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Amplitude : " << IndAmplitude << endl;
00186                 for (Int_t IndChannel = MyHeader.fChannelMin;IndChannel <= MyHeader.fChannelMax;IndChannel += MyHeader.fChannelStep){
00187                         FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "\tChannel : " << IndChannel << endl;
00188                         for (Int_t IndDAC = 0;IndDAC < 3;IndDAC += 1){ // Low, Mid and High DAC
00189                                 Int_t fDacMin,fDacStep,fDacMax;
00190                                 if (IndChannel <32){ fDacMin=MyHeader.fDacMinA[IndDAC];fDacMax=MyHeader.fDacMaxA[IndDAC];fDacStep=MyHeader.fDacStepA[IndDAC]; }
00191                                                                 else   {        fDacMin=MyHeader.fDacMinB[IndDAC];fDacMax=MyHeader.fDacMaxB[IndDAC];fDacStep=MyHeader.fDacStepB[IndDAC]; }
00192                                 for (Int_t IndDac = fDacMin;IndDac <= fDacMax;IndDac += fDacStep){
00193                                         iNbEvent += 8*MyHeader.fNbDump;
00194                                 }
00195                         }
00196                 }
00197         }
00198         FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Nombre d'événements : " << iNbEvent << endl;
00200         if (iNbEvent == iNbEntries){
00202 /**************************************************************************************
00204 *****************************************************************************************/
00205                 Double_t qMin = MyHeader.fAmplitudeMin,qMax = MyHeader.fAmplitudeMax,qStep = MyHeader.fAmplitudeStep;
00206                 Int_t chMin = MyHeader.fChannelMin,chMax = MyHeader.fChannelMax,chStep = MyHeader.fChannelStep;
00207                 Int_t dacMinL,dacMaxL,dacStepL,dacMinM,dacMaxM,dacStepM,dacMinH,dacMaxH,dacStepH;
00208                 TClonesArray * hListLo = new TClonesArray ("TH2F", 4096) ;              // we compute all channel responses !
00209                 TClonesArray * hListMi = new TClonesArray ("TH2F", 4096) ;              // we compute all channel responses !
00210                 TClonesArray * hListHi = new TClonesArray ("TH2F", 4096) ;              // we compute all channel responses !
00212                 FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Bins Min : " << qMin << " Max :" << qMax+qStep << " Nb of bins : " << fixed << (qMax+qStep-qMin)/qStep << endl ;
00214                 string hBaseName = "h_" ;
00215                 string hName ;
00216                 string hBaseTitle = "scurve_" ;
00217                 string hTitle ;
00218                 Int_t index ;
00219                 // There are 64 histo for each stimd channel...
00220                 // .... and 64(chmax-chmin)/chstep stimd channel
00221                 for (Int_t stimdchan=chMin;stimdchan<=chMax;stimdchan+=chStep)
00222                 {       for (Int_t chan=1;chan<=64;chan++)
00223                         {       index = 64*(stimdchan)+(chan-1) ;
00226                                 if (chan ==1)   { // Bank A
00227                                         dacMinL=MyHeader.fDacMinA[0];dacMaxL=MyHeader.fDacMaxA[0];dacStepL=MyHeader.fDacStepA[0]; 
00228                                         dacMinM=MyHeader.fDacMinA[1];dacMaxM=MyHeader.fDacMaxA[1];dacStepM=MyHeader.fDacStepA[1];
00229                                         dacMinH=MyHeader.fDacMinA[2];dacMaxH=MyHeader.fDacMaxA[2];dacStepH=MyHeader.fDacStepA[2];
00230                                 }
00231                                 if (chan ==33)  { // Bank B
00232                                         dacMinL=MyHeader.fDacMinB[0];dacMaxL=MyHeader.fDacMaxB[0];dacStepL=MyHeader.fDacStepB[0]; 
00233                                         dacMinM=MyHeader.fDacMinB[1];dacMaxM=MyHeader.fDacMaxB[1];dacStepM=MyHeader.fDacStepB[1];
00234                                         dacMinH=MyHeader.fDacMinB[2];dacMaxH=MyHeader.fDacMaxB[2];dacStepH=MyHeader.fDacStepB[2];
00235                                 }
00237                                 hName = hBaseName + "S" + itos(stimdchan+1) + "_H" + itos(chan) + "l";
00238                                 hTitle = hBaseTitle + "S" + itos(stimdchan+1) + "_H" + itos(chan) + "l" ;
00239                                 hListLo->New(index) ;
00240                                 ( (TH2F *) hListLo->At(index) )->SetNameTitle(hName.c_str(), hTitle.c_str()) ;
00241                                 ( (TH2F *) hListLo->At(index) )->SetBins( (dacMaxL+1-dacMinL)/dacStepL, dacMinL, dacMaxL+1, static_cast <Int_t> ( ((qMax+qStep-qMin)/qStep) + 0.5 ), qMin, qMax+qStep) ;
00243                                 hName = hBaseName + "S" + itos(stimdchan+1) + "_H" + itos(chan) + "m";
00244                                 hTitle = hBaseTitle + "S" + itos(stimdchan+1) + "_H" + itos(chan) + "m" ;
00245                                 hListMi->New(index) ;
00246                                 ((TH2F *) hListMi->At(index) )->SetNameTitle(hName.c_str(), hTitle.c_str()) ;
00247                                 ((TH2F *) hListMi->At(index) )->SetBins( (dacMaxM+1-dacMinM)/dacStepM, dacMinM, dacMaxM+1, static_cast <Int_t> ( ((qMax+qStep-qMin)/qStep) + 0.5 ), qMin, qMax+qStep) ;
00249                                 hName = hBaseName + "S" + itos(stimdchan+1) + "_H" + itos(chan) + "h";
00250                                 hTitle = hBaseTitle + "S" + itos(stimdchan+1) + "_H" + itos(chan) + "h" ;
00251                                 hListHi->New(index) ;
00252                                 ((TH2F *) hListHi->At(index) )->SetNameTitle(hName.c_str(), hTitle.c_str()) ;
00253                                 ((TH2F *) hListHi->At(index) )->SetBins( (dacMaxH+1-dacMinH)/dacStepH, dacMinH, dacMaxH+1, static_cast <Int_t> ( ((qMax+qStep-qMin)/qStep) + 0.5 ), qMin, qMax+qStep) ;
00254                         }
00255                 }
00256                 FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Init ok" << endl ;
00257 /*****************************************************************************************
00258   Calcul des Scurves
00259 *****************************************************************************************/
00260                 Int_t currHitValue, currHitChannel;
00261                 Int_t iEvent=0;
00262                 for (Double_t IndAmplitude = MyHeader.fAmplitudeMin;IndAmplitude <= (MyHeader.fAmplitudeMax+MyHeader.fAmplitudeStep/2);IndAmplitude += MyHeader.fAmplitudeStep){
00264                         for (Int_t IndChannel = MyHeader.fChannelMin;IndChannel <= MyHeader.fChannelMax;IndChannel += MyHeader.fChannelStep){
00265                                 for (Int_t IndDAC = 0;IndDAC < 3;IndDAC += 1){ // Low, Mid and High DAC
00266                                         Int_t fDacMin,fDacStep,fDacMax;
00267                                         if (IndChannel <32){ fDacMin=MyHeader.fDacMinA[IndDAC];fDacMax=MyHeader.fDacMaxA[IndDAC];fDacStep=MyHeader.fDacStepA[IndDAC]; }
00268                                                                         else   {        fDacMin=MyHeader.fDacMinB[IndDAC];fDacMax=MyHeader.fDacMaxB[IndDAC];fDacStep=MyHeader.fDacStepB[IndDAC]; }
00269                                         for (Int_t IndDac = fDacMin;IndDac <= fDacMax;IndDac += fDacStep){
00270                                                 for (Int_t IndEvent = 0;IndEvent < 8*MyHeader.fNbDump;IndEvent ++){
00271                                                         tree->GetEntry(iEvent);
00272                                                         Int_t NC=evt->GetNchannel();
00273                                                         for(int i=0;i<NC;i++){
00275                                                                 MTChannel* channel = (MTChannel*)evt->GetChannels()->UncheckedAt(i);
00277                                                                 currHitValue = channel->GetDigitalValue() ;                     // ...Xtract data from channel...
00278                                                                 currHitChannel = channel->GetHardId() ;         // ... Xtract channel number...
00279                                                                 index = 64*IndChannel+currHitChannel ;          
00280                                                                 switch(currHitValue){   
00281                                                                         case 3:
00282                                                                                 if (IndDAC == 2){
00283                                                                                         ( (TH2F *) hListHi->At(index) )->Fill(IndDac, IndAmplitude) ;
00284                                                                                         //FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Amplitude 3 : " << IndChannel << " / " << currHitChannel << endl;
00285                                                                                 }       
00286                                                                                 break ;
00287                                                                         case 2:
00288                                                                                 if (IndDAC == 1){
00289                                                                                         ( (TH2F *) hListMi->At(index) )->Fill(IndDac, IndAmplitude) ;
00290                                                                                         //FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Amplitude 2 : " << IndChannel << " / " << currHitChannel << endl;
00291                                                                                 }
00292                                                                                 break ;
00293                                                                         case 1:
00294                                                                                 if (IndDAC == 0){
00295                                                                                         ( (TH2F *) hListLo->At(index) )->Fill(IndDac, IndAmplitude) ;
00296                                                                                         //FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Amplitude 1 : " << IndChannel << " / " << currHitChannel << endl;
00297                                                                                 }
00298                                                                                 break ;
00299                                                                         default:
00300                                                                                 cout << "ERROR in ROOT file !" << endl ;
00301                                                                 }       
00302                                                         }
00303                                                         iEvent++;
00304                                                 }
00305                                         }
00306                                 }
00307                         }
00308                 }  
00309 /*****************************************************************************************
00310   NORMALIZE IN %, remove first and last bin
00311 *****************************************************************************************/
00313         // Normalize to 100%
00314         Float_t scale = 1./(8*MyHeader.fNbDump) ;
00315         for (Int_t stimdchan=chMin;stimdchan<=chMax;stimdchan+=chStep)
00316         {       for (Int_t chan=1;chan<=64;chan++)
00317                 {       index = 64*(stimdchan)+(chan-1) ;
00318                         //cout << scale ;
00319                         ( (TH2F *) hListLo->At(index) )->Scale(scale) ;
00320                         ( (TH2F *) hListMi->At(index) )->Scale(scale) ;
00321                         ( (TH2F *) hListHi->At(index) )->Scale(scale) ;
00322                 }
00323         }
00325         cout << "Normalization ok" << endl ;
00326 /*****************************************************************************************
00327   Enregistrement des Scurves
00328 *****************************************************************************************/
00329                 //FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Events : " << iEvent << endl ;                          
00330                 TFile *histFile = new TFile(OutputName.c_str(), "RECREATE") ;
00331                 if (histFile->IsOpen() == 0)
00332                 {       cerr << "Could not open data file "<< endl ;
00333                         exit(1) ;
00334                 }
00335                 histFile->cd() ;
00336                 hListLo->Write() ;
00337                 hListMi->Write() ;      
00339                 hListHi->Write() ;
00342 /*****************************************************************************************
00343   Affichage des Scurves
00344 *****************************************************************************************/
00345         /*      argc=0;
00346                 TApplication theApp("App", &argc, argv);                                        // see $ROOTSYS/test/hworld.cxx
00347                 gStyle->SetPalette(1);
00348         //gStyle->SetCanvasColor(33);
00349         //gStyle->SetFrameFillColor(18);
00350                 TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","S-Curves") ;
00352                 c1->Connect("Closed()", "TApplication", &theApp, "Terminate()");
00353                 string name="h_S32_H32l";
00354                 TH2F* h=(TH2F*) gROOT->FindObject(name.c_str()) ;
00355                 c1->cd() ;
00356                 h->Draw("lego2") ;
00357                 theApp.Run();*/
00359                 hListLo->Delete() ;
00360                 hListMi->Delete() ;
00361                 hListHi->Delete() ;
00362                 evt->Delete() ;
00363                 //h->Delete();
00364         }
00365    return 0;
00366 }

Generated on Mon Jan 7 13:15:21 2013 for MicromegasFramework by  doxygen 1.4.7