This neutrinos cosmic background radiation comes from the decoupling
of the neutrinos, which, until universe became sufficiently cold, were appearing
and disappearing, absorbed by protons or emitted by neutrons. At a given temperature
of the universe, about 1 second after the Big-Bang, protons have only a weak probability
to absorb a neutrino, which thus decouple.
Some hundreds of thousand of years later, photons will decouple the same way from
charged particles like the electrons and will become the light cosmic background radiation
at 2.73 degree Kelvin.
The theory estimated also the neutrino density
in the universe:
about 110 per cm3, for each neutrino family,
that means 330 neutrinos per cm3
as a whole. 330 millions per m3. This is quite lot!...
By comparison, you find a mean of 0.5 proton and one billion photons per cubic meter of universe.
Thus, you find about one billion more neutrinos than protons. And those Big-Bang neutrinos are
approximately as numerous as the Big-Bang photons.
The matter, which composes us (protons, neutrons, electrons) is not very important...