Current version : v0r96

VEGA (Visual Environment for Gravitational waves data Analysis) is designed to be a framework in which one can analyze data coming from interferometric gravitational wave detectors. This data is supposed to be in the Frame format which was agreed upon between the two gravitational wave detection experiments VIRGO and LIGO. This data format is now also used by other such experiments.
VEGA is based on the ROOT framework developed at CERN by R. Brun and F. Rademakers as well as numerous other contributors.
Documentation :
Installation of ROOT/VEGA
Users manual on line (current version v0r95)
All the VEGA sources/classes documentation online. This is an example of the documentation of the code that can be made by ROOT. You can also see all the ROOT classes.
All the sources classified by category
ChangeLog (Release notes)

Downloads :

VEGA Software download
VEGA Documentation download (including manual v0r95)

in version v0r96 :

- Use of the Data Display inside vega
- New Selector classes for generating user compilable scripts
- Speed of SMS loading is now very fast (finally !). Need to rebuild all the databases, though.
- Option in VStyle to disable the automatic log setting of the plots (for frequency plots)
- Change of plots format may be done directly via gVM (like gVM->SetLineColor(2))
- New option "sameti" to superimpose two plots respecting their times. If one plot is shifted in time with respect to the other, it will also be shifted graphically
- Adaptation to ROOT v3.05/05. Need this version now.

in version v0r93 :

- Adaptation to the new Frame format v6 and corresponding FrameLib
- Adaptation to ROOT v3.03/08. Need this version now.

in version v0r90 :

- Main rework of the data access scheme
- New class "frame channel" acting as a data provider
- Many changes in data access allowing easier extendability and modularity

in version v0r60 :

- bug fix release

in version v0r59 :

- New building scheme, much easier to use
- A few bugs corrected, especially in metadatabase

in version v0r58 :

- Adaptation to ROOT v3.01 scheme and to framelib v4r42
- A few bugs corrected

in version v0r57 :

- Modularized the makefile so one can connect easily external packages. Added fftw and Frv access in the interpreter, but this is not mandatory
- new .vegarc environment file to allow better customisation of vega. If not in the users home dir, use a default file in the distribution.

in version v0r56 :

- Ooops ! just a bug correction release

in version v0r55 :

- Tools to allow easy compilation of standalone apps
- Much improved speed for creation of a metadatabase
- Much improved speed in searching inside a metadatabase

in version v0r52 :

- Handling of 2D plots (images or time-frequency plots) 
- New tutorials : 

moveimage.C to show how to extract a selected image from frame files 
tifrdisplay.C showing how to display time-frequency plots

If you have questions, comments or suggestions, you can

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Last modified July 01 2003

visitors since May 2003 visitors since May 16th 2003