// This example shows how to plot a region of interest.// To see the result of this macro, click here// The access of data is made by it's time.// A much fancyer example is given in here
// Open a new window (canvas)
c1 = new TCanvas("c1","A peak example",1);
// ===== Creates the needed pads by dividing the initial canvas =====
// ===== Opens the frame channel =====
fc = new VFrameChannel("demoDB.root");
// ===== Gets the needed vectors and draws them =====// ===== First the upper plots =====FrVect* frv1 = fc->GetVect("adc.MYGO_ADC1",600000010.,3.);
FrVect* frvSeis = fc->GetVect("adc.MYGO_Seis",600000010.,3.);
c1->cd(1); // select the first pad
c1->cd(2); // select the second pad
// ===== Gets the needed vectors and draws them =====// ===== Second the same plots superimposed ===== // Gets the needed vectors again but zooming on the region of interest
frv2 = fc->GetVect("adc.MYGO_ADC1",600000010.24,0.06);
frvSeis2 = fc->GetVect("adc.MYGO_Seis",600000010.24,0.06);
// Draws them in the second pad, superimposed on top of each other
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