/* This file contains all the I/O low level function definition used  */
/* by the Frame Library.                                              */
/*     (Code proposed by Roy Willams, Caltech) (Aug 09, 2002 version) */

#ifdef FR_LONG_LONG /*----- to use 8 bytes long ----------------------*/
typedef            long  long FRLONG;
typedef   unsigned long  long FRULONG;
#define FRLLD "lld"
#else            /*--------- default regular long---------------- ----*/
typedef            long FRLONG;
typedef   unsigned long FRULONG;
#define FRLLD "ld"

#if !defined(FRIO_DEFINED)
#include <fcntl.h>

#ifdef FRRFIO         /*---- this is for HPSS-------------------------*/
#include <shift.h>

#define FRIOBSIZE 2048 /*--- local buffer to speed up the read process ---*/

struct FrIO{
  FILE *fp;
  int fd;
  char buffer[FRIOBSIZE];
  int  position;          /*---------- position in the local buffer, 
                         if position = BSIZE when the buffer is empty */

typedef struct FrIO FrIO;

FrIO  *FrIOOpenR(char* filename);
FrIO  *FrIOOpenW(char* filename);
int    FrIOClose     (FrIO *frfd);
FRLONG FrIOWrite     (FrIO *frfd, char* buf, FRLONG nbyte);
FRLONG FrIORead      (FrIO *frfd, char* buf, FRLONG nbyte);
FRLONG FrIOSet       (FrIO *frfd, FRLONG offset);
FRLONG FrIOSetFromEnd(FrIO *frfd, FRLONG offset);
FRLONG FrIOSetFromCur(FrIO *frfd, FRLONG offset);
FRLONG FrIOTell(struct FrIO *frfd);


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