//*-- Author :    Damir Buskulic   20/05/99

//                                                                      //
// VHashTable                                                           //
//                                                                      //
// Special hash table for quick frame file determination                //
// Instead of generating a hash value for each stored object,           //
// this table stores lists of names of frame file descriptors.          //
// (The name of frame file descriptors is defined by the start time     //
//   of the first frame in the file)                                    //
// The  hashing is done with respect to the start time of               //
// the first frame in a file. Global duration represented by            //
// the database is simply cut into equal portions, each file being      //
// assigned to one portion. So, after the build of the database,        //
// each portion contains a list of files for which the first frame      //
// begins inside the given time portion.                                //
// On retrieval, one asks for information on a given time and gets      //
// a list of files that may contain the requested time.                 //
// The average collision rate is the average number of files in each    //
// slot. The optimum average collision rate is decided by the user, it  //
// may not be 1. This depends on the frame seek time and is experimental//
//                                                                      //

#include "VHashTable.h"
#include "VFrameMetaDB.h"


   mGlobalStartTime = 0;
   mGlobalEndTime = 0;
   mCapacity = 0;
   mFilesHashTable = 0;
   mFilesUnique = 0;
   mOptimalCollision = 5;
   mUsedSlots = 0;
   mSize = 0;
   mNFiles = 0;

VHashTable::VHashTable(Int_t capacity, Double_t gstart, Double_t gend, Int_t optcol)
// Creates a VHashTable. gstart and gend are the initial values for
// the global start and end times.

   if (capacity < 0) {
      Warning("VHashTable", "capacity (%d) < 0", capacity);
      capacity = 10;
   } else if (capacity == 0)
      capacity = 10;

   mCapacity = capacity;
   mGlobalStartTime = gstart;
   mGlobalEndTime = gend;
   mSize = 0;
   mNFiles = 0;
   mOptimalCollision = optcol;
   mUsedSlots = 0;
   mFilesHashTable = new TObjArray* [mCapacity];
   memset(mFilesHashTable, 0, mCapacity*sizeof(TObjArray*));
   mFilesUnique = new TObjArray(mCapacity);

// Deletes a VHashTable. All elements contained in it are deleted

   delete [] mFilesHashTable;

 void VHashTable::Delete(Option_t*)
// Deletes all elements contained in this VHashTable

   for (Int_t i=0;i<mCapacity;i++) {
      if(mFilesHashTable[i]) {
         delete mFilesHashTable[i];
         mFilesHashTable[i] = 0;

 void VHashTable::Add(Double_t filestart, Double_t fileend, Int_t firstindex, Int_t lastindex, Int_t condindex, Int_t firstgroup, Int_t lastgroup)
// Inserts a file times in the hash table. If the file spans more than one
// slot in the table, it will be inserted in all the slots it spans.

   Int_t hashstart, hashend, hashval;
   VFrFileIndex* frfileind;
   TObjArray* strarray;
   if (fileend >= mGlobalEndTime) Expand(fileend+1);
   if (filestart < mGlobalStartTime) Rehash(mCapacity, filestart-1, mGlobalEndTime);
   hashstart = GetHashValue(filestart);
   hashend = GetHashValueExclude(fileend);
   frfileind = new VFrFileIndex(filestart, fileend, firstindex, lastindex, condindex, firstgroup, lastgroup);

// The file start is inserted in all the slots that are spanned by the file.
   for (hashval=hashstart; hashval<=hashend; hashval++) {
// Creates a new TObjArray if empty slot
      if (!mFilesHashTable[hashval]) {
         strarray = new TObjArray(mOptimalCollision+2);
         mFilesHashTable[hashval] = strarray;
// Rehashing done if necessary
// i.e if average collision rate > mOptimalCollision
   Float_t nav = AverageCollisions();
   if (nav > mOptimalCollision+1) {
      Int_t newcap = Int_t(mCapacity*(((Float_t)nav)/mOptimalCollision));
      Rehash(newcap, mGlobalStartTime, mGlobalEndTime);

 TObjArray* VHashTable::GetFilesInfo(Double_t time) const
// Returns the info on files potentially containing "time"

   if (time < mGlobalStartTime) return 0;
   if (time > mGlobalEndTime) return 0;
   Int_t hashval = GetHashValue(time);
   return mFilesHashTable[hashval];

 TObjArray* VHashTable::GetFilesInfoDirect(Int_t hashval) const
// Returns the info on files for hash value hashval

   if (hashval < 0) return 0;
   if (hashval > mCapacity-1) return 0;
   return mFilesHashTable[hashval];

 void VHashTable::Print(Option_t* opt)
// Prints the content of the hash table. May be VERY long in case of
// big tables. Mainly for test. Set option to "small" if a reduced
// listing is needed. Only the first and last slots will be printed

   Int_t smallprint = 0;
   Int_t endprint = 0;
   TString option = opt;
   if (option.Contains("small")) smallprint=1;
   printf("n Hash table contents :n");
   printf(  " _____________________n\n");
   printf(" Global start time : %12.2f, End time : %12.2fn", mGlobalStartTime, mGlobalEndTime);
   printf(" Capacity : %d, Used slots : %d, Size : %d, Files : %dn",mCapacity,mUsedSlots,mSize,mNFiles);
   printf(" Optimal collision rate : %dn",mOptimalCollision);
   printf("n Contents of the table :n\n");
// Determine where to start from to see 3 last non empty slots
   Int_t curnonempty=0;
   for (endprint=mCapacity-1;endprint>=0;endprint--) {
      TObjArray* obj = mFilesHashTable[endprint];
      if (obj) curnonempty++;
      if (curnonempty>3) break;
   Int_t curprinted=0;
   for (Int_t i=0;i<mCapacity;i++) {
      TObjArray* obj;
      obj = mFilesHashTable[i];
      if (obj) {
         for (Int_t j=0;j<obj->Capacity();j++) {
            if (obj->At(j)) printf("  slot %d, number %d, object %p, start time %f, end time %f n",
         if (curprinted>3 && smallprint) { // prints only a subset of the hash table
            i = endprint;
            printf("nSkipping slots........n\n");

 void VHashTable::SetGlobalStartTime(Double_t gstart)
// Sets the start time of the hash table. Rehash if necessary

   if (gstart < mGlobalStartTime) Rehash(mCapacity, gstart, mGlobalEndTime);

 void VHashTable::SetGlobalEndTime(Double_t gend)
// Sets the start time of the hash table. Rehash if necessary

   if (gend > mGlobalEndTime) Expand(gend);

 void VHashTable::Expand(Double_t gend)
// Expands the hash table. gend must be > mGlobalEndTime.
// If the capacity has to be extended more than "rehashlimit" slots,
// a rehashing is done without changing the old capacity.

   Int_t rehashlimit = mCapacity/10+1;
   Int_t newcapacity = mCapacity+rehashlimit;
   Double_t newendtime = mGlobalEndTime + rehashlimit*(Double_t)(mGlobalEndTime-mGlobalStartTime)/mCapacity;
   if (gend <= mGlobalEndTime) return;
   if (gend < newendtime) {
      mFilesHashTable = (TObjArray**) TStorage::ReAlloc(mFilesHashTable, newcapacity * sizeof(TObjArray*),
                                         mCapacity * sizeof(TObjArray*));
      mGlobalEndTime = newendtime;
      mCapacity = newcapacity;
   } else {
      Rehash(mCapacity, mGlobalStartTime, gend);
 void VHashTable::Rehash(Int_t newcapacity, Double_t gstart, Double_t gend)
// Rehash the time hash table

   TObjArray** tmpfdnames;
   Int_t       tmpusedslots;
   Int_t       tmpsize;
   TObjArray*  tmpfdstart1;
   VFrFileIndex* vfileindex;
   Double_t    filestart, fileend;
   Int_t       slot, slotstart, slotend;
   tmpfdnames = new TObjArray* [newcapacity];
   memset(tmpfdnames, 0, newcapacity*sizeof(TObjArray*));

   tmpusedslots = 0;
   tmpsize      = 0;

// Read the times in the unique names array and put them in the new hash table
   TObjArrayIter next(mFilesUnique);
   if (mFilesUnique !=0) {
      while ((vfileindex = (VFrFileIndex*)(next()))!=0) {
         filestart = vfileindex->GetStartTime();
         fileend   = vfileindex->GetEndTime();
         slotstart = (Int_t)(newcapacity*(filestart - gstart)/(gend-gstart));
			if (filestart>=gend) slotstart = -1;
         slotend   = (Int_t)(newcapacity*(fileend - gstart)/(gend-gstart));
			if (fabs(fileend - (gstart+slotend*(gend-gstart)/newcapacity))<1e-6)

         for (slot = slotstart; slot<=slotend; slot++) {
//    If necessary, create a new slot
            if (!tmpfdnames[slot]) {
               tmpfdstart1 = new TObjArray(mOptimalCollision+2);
               tmpfdnames[slot] = tmpfdstart1;

   for (Int_t i=0;i<mCapacity;i++) {
      if (mFilesHashTable[i]) mFilesHashTable[i]->Clear();
   delete [] mFilesHashTable;
   mFilesHashTable = tmpfdnames;
   mGlobalStartTime = gstart;
   mGlobalEndTime = gend;
   mCapacity = newcapacity;
   mUsedSlots = tmpusedslots;
   mSize = tmpsize;
// Reste : - si new capacity = old and start = old and end = old(dans le slot),
//           ne rien faire
//         - proteger si gstart>mGlobalStart ou gend<mGlobalEnd

 void VHashTable::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
   // Stream an object of class VHashTable.

   UInt_t R__s, R__c;
   if (R__b.IsReading()) {
      Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c); if (R__v) { }
      R__b >> mGlobalStartTime;
      R__b >> mGlobalEndTime;
      R__b >> mCapacity;
      R__b >> mUsedSlots;
      R__b >> mSize;
      R__b >> mNFiles;
      R__b >> mFilesUnique;
      R__b >> mOptimalCollision;
      mFilesHashTable = new TObjArray* [mCapacity];
      memset(mFilesHashTable, 0, mCapacity*sizeof(TObjArray*));
      TObjArray* obj;
      for (Int_t i=0; i<mCapacity;i++) {
         R__b >> obj;
         if (obj) mFilesHashTable[i] = obj;
      R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, VHashTable::IsA());
   } else {
      R__c = R__b.WriteVersion(VHashTable::IsA(), kTRUE);
      R__b << mGlobalStartTime;
      R__b << mGlobalEndTime;
      R__b << mCapacity;
      R__b << mUsedSlots;
      R__b << mSize;
      R__b << mNFiles;
      R__b << mFilesUnique;
      R__b << mOptimalCollision;
      //R__b.WriteArray(mFilesHashTable, __COUNTER__);
      for (Int_t i=0; i<mCapacity;i++) {
         R__b << mFilesHashTable[i];
      R__b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE);

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