//*-- Modified : v0r51 07/11/00 by D. Buskulic//*-- Modified : v0r50 29/09/00 by D. Buskulic//*-- Modified : v0r48 30/05/00 by D. Buskulic//*-- Modified : v0r47 17/04/00 by D. Buskulic//*-- Modified : v0r46 13/03/00 by D. Buskulic//*-- Modified : v0.45 11/11/99 by D. Buskulic//*-- Modified : v0.42 02/09/99 by D. Buskulic//*-- Author : Damir Buskulic 04/03/99//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// VManagerFrameL //// //// Frames manager class using the Framelib. //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include <iostream.h>
#include "VManagerFrameL.h"
#include "VFrUtil.h"
#include "VStyle.h"
#include "TPad.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
//______________________________________________________________________________VManagerFrameL::VManagerFrameL() : VManager()
// ---- VManagerFrameL default constructor ----//mPlots = new TList(this);
mPlots2 = new TList(this);
mHistos = new TList(this);
gVM = this;
// ---- VManagerFrameL destructor ----//mPlots->ForEach(VSPlot,AbandonManager)();
delete mPlots;
delete mPlots2;
delete mHistos;
if (gDebug)
cerr <<"VManager dtor called " << endl;
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::Draw(FrVect* vect, Double_t offset, Double_t dur, Option_t *option)
// Create VSPlot and Draw it starting from an FrVect// =================================================// The serie is plot from "offset" for a length "dur". The default values// mean that the entire series is plotted.// For the moment, options are the same as for histograms
TString opt;
opt = option;
UInt_t i,ix,iy,ibegin,iend,ndat;
Double_t vsoffset,vsdur,vspbegin, vspend, bining;
Double_t vspybegin,vspyend;
VSPlot* vsp;
VSPlot2* vsp2;
// Protect against bad values
if (!vect) return;
char* vectname = vect->name;
// Get info for number of samples, offset and length
ndat = vect->nx[0];
if (!ndat) {
Error("Draw","No data in this series, cannot draw");
return ;
vsoffset = vect->startX[0]; // this is the initial offset of the vector
// with respect to begining of the frame
vsdur = VGetLength(vect);
if (vsdur==0) {
vsdur = (float)ndat;
if (gVEGAWarnings)
Warning("Draw","Null length for serie. Using length=ndata");
// Define begin and end of the plot. Correct it if necessary
vspbegin = vsoffset;
if (offset>-9e19) {vspbegin += offset;}
if (dur<9e19) {vspend = vspbegin+dur;} else {vspend=vspbegin+vsdur;}
if (vspbegin<vsoffset) {vspbegin = vsoffset;}
if (vspend>vsoffset+vsdur) {vspend = vsoffset+vsdur;}
bining = vsdur/ndat;
// Compute the numbers of first and last bin to be displayed
ibegin = int((vspbegin-vsoffset)/bining);
iend = int((vspend-vsoffset)/bining);
// Correct begin and end values of the series for display
vspbegin = vsoffset+bining*ibegin;
vspend = vsoffset+bining*iend;
// Sets the offset time of the VSPlotDouble_t vspoff = 0;
if (vspbegin !=0) {
if (TMath::Abs((vspend-vspbegin)/vspbegin) < 1e-4) {
vspoff *= 1.e3;
vspbegin = vspbegin - vspoff;
vspend = vspend - vspoff;
// // Treat the two cases : 1D (create a VSPlot) or 2D (create a VSPlot2)//
if (vect->nDim==1) {
// 1 dim case
vsp = new VSPlot(vectname,vectname,iend-ibegin,0,vspend - vspbegin,this);
// These settings should be set BEFORE the GPS start because setting // GPS start uses them.// vsp->SetOffset(vspoff);
#if FR_VERS<6000
vsp->SetGPSStart(vect->GTimeS + 10e-9*vect->GTimeN + vspbegin);
vsp->SetGPSStart(vect->GTime + vspbegin);
if (vect->unitX) {
if (strcmp(vect->unitX[0],"NONE"))vsp->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(vect->unitX[0]);
if (vect->unitY) {
if (strcmp(vect->unitY,"NONE")) vsp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(vect->unitY);
unsigned short typevect = vect->type;
if (typevect == FR_VECT_C) {
unsigned char* tdata= (unsigned char*)vect->data;
for (i=0;i<iend-ibegin;i++) {vsp->SetBinContent(i+1,tdata[i+ibegin]);}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_2U) {
unsigned short* tdataUS= vect->dataUS;
for (i=0;i<iend-ibegin;i++) {vsp->SetBinContent(i+1,tdataUS[i+ibegin]);}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_2S) {
short* tdataS= vect->dataS;
for (i=0;i<iend-ibegin;i++) {vsp->SetBinContent(i+1,tdataS[i+ibegin]);}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_4U) {
unsigned int* tdataUI= vect->dataUI;
for (i=0;i<iend-ibegin;i++) {vsp->SetBinContent(i+1,tdataUI[i+ibegin]);}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_4S) {
int* tdataI= vect->dataI;
for (i=0;i<iend-ibegin;i++) {vsp->SetBinContent(i+1,tdataI[i+ibegin]);}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_4R) {
float* tdataF= vect->dataF;
for (i=0;i<iend-ibegin;i++) {vsp->SetBinContent(i+1,tdataF[i+ibegin]);}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_8R) {
double* tdataD= vect->dataD;
for (i=0;i<iend-ibegin;i++) {vsp->SetBinContent(i+1,tdataD[i+ibegin]);}
} else {
Warning("Draw","Type of data not valid for ploting, returning 0");
delete vsp;
return ;
// Do not put the plot into any directory to avoid name conflicts
if (!opt.Contains("goff")) vsp->Draw(option);
} else if (vect->nDim==2) {
// 2 dim case
vspybegin = vect->startX[1];
if (vect->dx[1]) {
vspyend = vspybegin + vect->nx[1]*vect->dx[1];
} else {
if (gVEGAWarnings)
Warning("Draw","Null length in y for serie. Using length=ndata");
vspyend = vspybegin + vect->nx[1];
vsp2 = new VSPlot2(vectname,vectname,iend-ibegin,0,vspend - vspbegin,vect->nx[1],vspybegin,vspyend,this);
// These settings should be set BEFORE the GPS start because setting // GPS start uses them.// vsp2->SetOffset(vspoff);
#if FR_VERS<6000
vsp2->SetGPSStart(vect->GTimeS + 10e-9*vect->GTimeN + vspbegin);
vsp2->SetGPSStart(vect->GTime + vspbegin);
if (vect->unitX) {
if (vect->unitX[0]) {
if (strcmp(vect->unitX[0],"NONE"))vsp2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(vect->unitX[0]);
if (vect->unitX[0]) {
if (strcmp(vect->unitX[1],"NONE"))vsp2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(vect->unitX[1]);
if (vect->unitY) {
if (strcmp(vect->unitY,"NONE")) vsp2->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(vect->unitY);
unsigned short typevect = vect->type;
if (typevect == FR_VECT_C) {
unsigned char* tdata= (unsigned char*) vect->data;
for (ix=0;ix<iend-ibegin;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<vect->nx[1];iy++) {
// The data order of elements storing in the array corresponding to a// histogram is the opposite of the C convention ! Have to exchange X and Y
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_2U) {
unsigned short* tdataUS= vect->dataUS;
for (ix=0;ix<iend-ibegin;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<vect->nx[1];iy++) {
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_2S) {
short* tdataS= vect->dataS;
for (ix=0;ix<iend-ibegin;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<vect->nx[1];iy++) {
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_4U) {
unsigned int* tdataUI= vect->dataUI;
for (ix=0;ix<iend-ibegin;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<vect->nx[1];iy++) {
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_4S) {
int* tdataI= vect->dataI;
for (ix=0;ix<iend-ibegin;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<vect->nx[1];iy++) {
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_4R) {
float* tdataF= vect->dataF;
for (ix=0;ix<iend-ibegin;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<vect->nx[1];iy++) {
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_8R) {
double* tdataD= vect->dataD;
for (ix=0;ix<iend-ibegin;ix++) {
for (iy=0;iy<vect->nx[1];iy++) {
} else {
Warning("Draw","Type of data not valid for plotting, returning 0");
delete vsp2;
return ;
// Set the number of entries not null so that the plot is displayed correctly
// Do not put the plot into any directory to avoid name conflicts
if (!opt.Contains("goff")) vsp2->Draw(option);
} else {
Warning("Draw","Cannot plot %d dimensions object",vect->nDim);
//*-*- Create a default canvas if none exists// if (!gPad && !opt.Contains("goff")) {// if (!gROOT->GetMakeDefCanvas()) return;// (gROOT->GetMakeDefCanvas())();// }// Set the default options for a "T" and "S" serie
if (!opt.Contains("goff") && gVStyle->GetAutoLogPlot()!=0) {
if (VGetTypeOfVect(vect)=="S" && vect->nDim==1) {
} else {
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::Draw(FrVect* vect, Option_t *option)
// Create VSPlot and Draw it starting from an FrVect// =================================================// The entire series is plotted.// For the moment, options are the same as for histogramsDraw(vect,-1e20,1e20,option);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::Draw(FrameH* frame, char *nameofvect, Double_t offset, Double_t dur, Option_t *option)
// Create VSPlot and Draw it starting from a vector in a frame// ===========================================================// The series (FrAdcData or FrProcData or FrSimData)// is plotted from "offset" for a length "dur". The default values// mean that the entire series is plotted.// The string nameofvect indicates the type (adc, proc, sim) and// the name of the series to be extracted. // See Draw(FrVect....) for more information.// For the moment, options are the same as for histogramsFrVect* drawvector;
// Protect against bad values
if (!frame) return;
drawvector = VGetVect(frame,nameofvect);
if (drawvector) {
} else {
Warning("DrawHist","No vector %s found in frame",nameofvect);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::Draw(FrameH* frame, char *nameofvect, Option_t *option)
// Create VSPlot and Draw it starting from a vector in a frame// ===========================================================// The entire series (FrAdcData or FrProcData or FrSimData)// is plotted.// The string nameofvect indicates the type (adc, proc, sim) and// the name of the serie to be extracted. // See VGetVect(FrameH....) for more information.// For the moment, options are the same as for histogramsDraw(frame,nameofvect,-1e20,1e20,option);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::DrawHist(FrVect* vect, Double_t offset, Double_t dur, const char *hwork, Option_t *option)
// Create 1D Histogram of the data values of an FrVect vector and Draw it// ======================================================================// The data of the series (FrVect vector) used to build the histogram goes from// "offset" for a length "dur". The default values mean that the entire series// is used.// The name of an already existing histogram can be given, for example "histo1"// If the name is preceeded by a "+", like "+histo1",// the data is appended to this histogram.// If this is not the case, the old histogram contents are erased before filling.// If no name is given, the limits of the new histogram are the min and max// of the data.// Options are passed to the new histogram.// New option "temp". If the option string contains the option "temp" and no// name of an already existing histogram is given, the// created histogram will have the name "htemp". The created histogram will be// outside any directory.// Otherwise, the name of the FrVect will be used for the histogram.// It will replace any existing histogram in gDirectory that has the same name
TString opt;
opt = option;
char *hdefault = (char *)"htemp";
char *hname, *namevect;
char *hname0=0;
Int_t i,j,hkeep;
TH1 *oldh1 = 0;
TH1 *oldhtemp = 0;
Bool_t profile = kFALSE;
Int_t ibegin,iend,ndat;
Double_t vsoffset,vsdur,vspbegin, vspend, bining;
Double_t minvs,maxvs;
Int_t nbinsvs;
char* tdata;
unsigned short* tdataUS;
short* tdataS;
unsigned int * tdataUI;
int * tdataI;
float* tdataF;
double* tdataD;
// Protect against bad values
if (!vect) return;
// Get info for name, number of samples, offset and length of the vector
i = strlen(vect->name);
namevect = new char[i+1];
strcpy(namevect,vect->name); // Copy the name of the vector
ndat = vect->nData;
if (!ndat) {
Error("DrawHist","No data in this series, cannot build the histogram");
if (namevect) delete [] namevect;
return ;
vsoffset = 0;
vsdur = VGetLength(vect);
if (vsdur==0) {
vsdur = (float)ndat;
if (gVEGAWarnings)
Warning("DrawHist","Null length for serie. Using length=ndata");
// Get the name of the histogram and a pointer to it// Beware of a potential memory leak on the name of the histogram !
i = strlen(hwork);
hname0 = new char[i+1]; // Use a temp variable to avoid mem leak
strncpy(hname0,hwork,i); hname0[i]=0;
hname = hname0;
if (strcmp(hname,"")) {
hkeep = 1;
Bool_t hnameplus = kFALSE;
while (*hname == ' ') hname++;
if (*hname == '+') {
hnameplus = kTRUE;
while (*hname == ' ') hname++;
j = strlen(hname)-1;
while (j) {
if (hname[j] != ' ') break;
hname[j] = 0;
oldh1 = (TH1*)gDirectory->Get(hname);
if (oldh1 && !hnameplus) oldh1->Reset();
} else if (opt.Contains("temp")) {
hname = hdefault;
hkeep = 0;
if (gDirectory) {
oldh1 = (TH1*)gDirectory->Get(hname);
if (oldh1) { oldh1->Delete(); oldh1 = 0;}
} else {
hname = namevect;
hkeep = 1;
if (gDirectory) {
oldh1 = (TH1*)gDirectory->Get(hname);
if (oldh1) { oldh1->Delete(); oldh1 = 0;}
// Delete the histo named htemp if there is one displayed in the active pad// This is to avoid a memory leak since htemp is always SetDirectory(0)// -> cannot access it in the global lists of objects
if (gPad) {
oldhtemp = (TH1*)gPad->GetPrimitive(hdefault);
if (oldhtemp) { oldhtemp->Delete(); oldhtemp = 0;}
// In case old histo exists, check dimensionality
if (oldh1) {
Int_t mustdelete = 0;
if (oldh1->InheritsFrom("TProfile")) profile = kTRUE;
if (opt.Contains("prof")) {
if (!profile) mustdelete = 1;
} else {
if (oldh1->GetDimension() != 1) mustdelete = 1;
if (mustdelete) {
if (gVEGAWarnings)
Warning("DrawHist","Deleting old histogram with different dimensions");
delete oldh1; oldh1 = 0;
// Define begin and end of the used portion of the serie.// Correct it if necessary
vspbegin = vsoffset;
if (offset>-9e19) {vspbegin += offset;}
if (dur<9e19) {vspend = vspbegin+dur;} else {vspend=vspbegin+vsdur;}
if (vspbegin<vsoffset) {vspbegin = vsoffset;}
if (vspend>vsoffset+vsdur) {vspend = vsoffset+vsdur;}
bining = vsdur/ndat;
// Compute the numbers of first and last bin to be used
ibegin = int((vspbegin-vsoffset)/bining);
iend = int((vspend-vsoffset)/bining);
// Get min and max of the serie
minvs = 1e20; maxvs = -1e20;
unsigned short typevect = vect->type;
if (typevect == FR_VECT_C) {
for (i=ibegin;i<iend;i++) {
if (tdata[i]<minvs) minvs=tdata[i];
if (tdata[i]>maxvs) maxvs=tdata[i];}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_2U) {
for (i=ibegin;i<iend;i++) {
if (tdataUS[i]<minvs) minvs=tdataUS[i];
if (tdataUS[i]>maxvs) maxvs=tdataUS[i];}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_2S) {
tdataS= vect->dataS;
for (i=ibegin;i<iend;i++) {
if (tdataS[i]<minvs) minvs=tdataS[i];
if (tdataS[i]>maxvs) maxvs=tdataS[i];}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_4U) {
tdataUI= vect->dataUI;
for (i=ibegin;i<iend;i++) {
if (tdataUI[i]<minvs) minvs=tdataUI[i];
if (tdataUI[i]>maxvs) maxvs=tdataUI[i];}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_4S) {
tdataI= vect->dataI;
for (i=ibegin;i<iend;i++) {
if (tdataI[i]<minvs) minvs=tdataI[i];
if (tdataI[i]>maxvs) maxvs=tdataI[i];}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_4R) {
tdataF= vect->dataF;
for (i=ibegin;i<iend;i++) {
if (tdataF[i]<minvs) minvs=tdataF[i];
if (tdataF[i]>maxvs) maxvs=tdataF[i];}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_8R) {
tdataD= vect->dataD;
for (i=ibegin;i<iend;i++) {
if (tdataD[i]<minvs) minvs=tdataD[i];
if (tdataD[i]>maxvs) maxvs=tdataD[i];}
} else {
Warning("DrawHist","Type of data not valid for histograming");
if (hname0) delete hname0;
if (namevect) delete namevect;
if (minvs>9e19 || maxvs <-9e19) {minvs=0; maxvs=1;}
// If the option "same" is used, try to make a histogram with correct bounds// i.e. those of the previously drawn histogram.
if (!oldh1) {
nbinsvs = 100;
if (opt.Contains("same")) {
TH1 *oldhtemp = (TH1*)gPad->GetPrimitive(hdefault);
if (oldhtemp) {
nbinsvs = oldhtemp->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
minvs = oldhtemp->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
maxvs = oldhtemp->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
} else {
minvs = gPad->GetUxmin();
maxvs = gPad->GetUxmax();
// Build a new histogram if necessary
TH1F *h1;
if (oldh1) {
h1 = (TH1F*)oldh1;
} else {
h1 = new TH1F(hname,hname,nbinsvs,minvs-0.05*(maxvs-minvs),maxvs+0.05*(maxvs-minvs));
if (!hkeep) {
if (hname0) delete [] hname0;
if (namevect) delete [] namevect;
// Fill the histogram with serie values
if (typevect == FR_VECT_C) {
tdata= vect->data;
for (i=ibegin;i<iend;i++) {h1->Fill(tdata[i]);}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_2U) {
tdataUS= vect->dataUS;
for (i=ibegin;i<iend;i++) {h1->Fill(tdataUS[i]);}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_2S) {
tdataS= vect->dataS;
for (i=ibegin;i<iend;i++) {h1->Fill(tdataS[i]);}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_4U) {
tdataUI= vect->dataUI;
for (i=ibegin;i<iend;i++) {h1->Fill(tdataUI[i]);}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_4S) {
tdataI= vect->dataI;
for (i=ibegin;i<iend;i++) {h1->Fill(tdataI[i]);}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_4R) {
tdataF= vect->dataF;
for (i=ibegin;i<iend;i++) {h1->Fill(tdataF[i]);}
} else if (typevect == FR_VECT_8R) {
tdataD= vect->dataD;
for (i=ibegin;i<iend;i++) {h1->Fill(tdataD[i]);}
} else {
Warning("DrawHist","Type of data not valid for histograming");
//*-*- Create a default canvas if none exists// if (!gPad && !gProofServ && !opt.Contains("goff")) {// if (!gROOT->GetMakeDefCanvas()) return;// (gROOT->GetMakeDefCanvas())();// }// Draw it
opt.ReplaceAll("temp",""); // remove the option temp if it exists
if (!opt.Contains("goff")) h1->Draw(opt.Data());
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::DrawHist(FrVect* vect, const char *hwork, Option_t *option)
// Create 1D Histogram of the data values of an FrVect vector and Draw it// ======================================================================// All the data of the series (FrVect vector) are used to build the histogram.// The name of an already existing histogram can be given, for example "histo1"// If the name is preceeded by a "+", like "+histo1",// the data is appended to this histogram.// If this is not the case, the old histogram contents are erased before filling.// If no name is given, the limits of the new histogram are the min and max// of the data.// Options are passed to the new histogram.DrawHist(vect, -1e20,1e20,hwork,option);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::DrawHist(FrameH* frame, char* nameofvect, Double_t offset, Double_t dur, const char *hwork, Option_t *option)
// Creates 1D Histogram of the data values of a vector in a Frame and Draw it// ==========================================================================// The data of the series (FrAdcData or FrProcData or FrSimData)// used to build the histogram goes from "offset" for a length "dur".// The string nameofvect indicates the type and the name of the series// to be extracted.// The name of an already existing histogram can be given, for example "histo1"// If the name is preceeded by a "+", like "+histo1",// the data is appended to this histogram.// If this is not the case, the old histogram contents are erased before filling.// If no name is given, the limits of the new histogram are the min and max// of the data.// Options are passed to the new histogram.FrVect* drawvector = 0;
// Protect against bad values
if (!frame) return;
drawvector = VGetVect(frame,nameofvect);
if (drawvector) {
} else {
Warning("DrawHist","No vector %s found in frame",nameofvect);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::DrawHist(FrameH* frame, char* nameofvect, const char *hwork, Option_t *option)
// Creates 1D Histogram of the data values of a vector in a Frame and Draw it// ==========================================================================// All the data of the series (FrAdcData or FrProcData or FrSimData)// is used to build the histogram.// The string nameofvect indicates the type (adc, proc, sim) and// the name of the serie to be extracted.// See VGetVect(FrameH...) for more information.// The name of an already existing histogram can be given, for example "histo1"// If the name is preceeded by a "+", like "+histo1",// the data is appended to this histogram.// If this is not the case, the old histogram contents are erased before filling.// If no name is given, the limits of the new histogram are the min and max// of the data.// Options are passed to the new histogram.DrawHist(frame,nameofvect,-1e20,1e20,hwork,option);
//______________________________________________________________________________TH1F* VManagerFrameL::GetLastHisto()
// ---- Returns the last histogram calculated and displayed ----//
TObject* hobj;
hobj = gDirectory->GetList()->Last();
if (hobj->InheritsFrom("TH1")) return (TH1F*)hobj;
return 0;
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::ShiftPlot(char* name, FrVect* vect)
// Shift the contents of the VSPlot. The beginning of the plot// is removed while the new vector is appended to the end
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::RemovePlot(const char* name)
// Removes the plot named "name" from the list of plots handled// by this manager
TObject* vsp;
vsp = mPlots->FindObject(name);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::RemovePlot2(const char* name)
// Removes the plot named "name" from the list of plots handled// by this manager
TObject* vsp2;
vsp2 = mPlots2->FindObject(name);
//______________________________________________________________________________TAxis* VManagerFrameL::GetXaxis(const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) return vs->GetXaxis(); else return 0;
//______________________________________________________________________________TAxis* VManagerFrameL::GetYaxis(const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) return vs->GetYaxis(); else return 0;
//______________________________________________________________________________TAxis* VManagerFrameL::GetZaxis(const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) return vs->GetZaxis(); else return 0;
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetBarOffset(Float_t baroff, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetBarOffset(baroff);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetBarWidth(Float_t barwidth, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetBarWidth(barwidth);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetFillColor(Color_t color, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetFillColor(color);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetFillStyle(Style_t styl, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetFillStyle(styl);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetLineColor(Color_t color, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetLineColor(color);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetLineStyle(Style_t styl, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetLineStyle(styl);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetLineWidth(Width_t width, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetLineWidth(width);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetLabelColor(Color_t color, Option_t* axis, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetLabelColor(color);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetLabelFont(Style_t font, Option_t* axis, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetLabelFont(font);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetLabelOffset(Float_t offset, Option_t* axis, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetLabelOffset(offset);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetLabelSize(Float_t size, Option_t* axis, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetLabelSize(size);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetMarkerColor(Color_t tcolor, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetMarkerColor(tcolor);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetMarkerSize(Size_t msize, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetMarkerSize(msize);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetMarkerStyle(Style_t mstyle, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetMarkerStyle(mstyle);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetNdivisions(Int_t n, Option_t* axis, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetNdivisions(n,axis);
//______________________________________________________________________________voidVManagerFrameL::SetTickLength(Float_t length, Option_t* axis, const char* name)
VSPlot *vs;
if (!strlen(name)) vs = GetLastPlot(); else vs = GetPlot(name);
if (vs) vs->SetTickLength(length, axis);
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