Previous The plotPerf function |
Parent Several useful CMake functions |
Outline | Next Functions to check Python environnement and build python module |
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add_custom_target(run_all ) add_custom_target(plot_all ALL) add_dependencies(plot_all run_all) set(OUTPUT_PERF_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/Examples/Performances") # Run the given target # targetName : name of the target to be runned function(runExample targetName) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${targetName}.txt COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${targetName} 2> ${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${targetName}.txt WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" COMMENT "Run ${targetName} program" DEPENDS ${targetName} ) add_custom_target("run_${targetName}" DEPENDS ${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${targetName}.txt) add_dependencies("run_${targetName}" ${targetName}) add_dependencies(run_all "run_${targetName}") endfunction(runExample) # Run the given python script # scriptName : name of the script to be ran # installModuleDependency : dependency of the script function(runPythonExample scriptName installModuleDependency) get_filename_component(targetName ${scriptName} NAME_WE) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${targetName}.txt COMMAND python3 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${scriptName} 2> ${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${targetName}.txt WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" COMMENT "Run python3 ${scriptName} program with target ${targetName}" DEPENDS ${scriptName} ) add_custom_target("run_${targetName}" DEPENDS ${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${targetName}.txt) add_dependencies("run_${targetName}" ${installModuleDependency}) add_dependencies(run_all "run_${targetName}") endfunction(runPythonExample) # Plot the performances of the different output # baseOutputPng : base name of the png output file # ARGN : list of target to be compared function(plotPerf baseOutputPng) set(GNUPLOT_FILE "${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${baseOutputPng}.gnuplot") file(WRITE ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set terminal png notransparent crop enhanced size 800,600 font \"arial,14\"\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set grid xtics ytics mytics\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set key bottom right\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set logscale y\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set xlabel \"nb elements\"\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set ylabel \"elapsed time per element [cy/el]\"\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set output \"${baseOutputPng}ElapsedTimeCyEl.png\"\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "plot ") set(listDepend) foreach(inputTarget ${ARGN}) string(REPLACE "_" " " legendStr ${inputTarget}) file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "\"${inputTarget}.txt\" using 1:2 title \"${legendStr}\" with lines lw 2,") list(APPEND listDepend "${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${inputTarget}.txt") endforeach(inputTarget) file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set xlabel \"nb elements\"\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set ylabel \"elapsed time [cy]\"\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set output \"${baseOutputPng}ElapsedTime.png\"\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "plot ") foreach(inputTarget ${ARGN}) string(REPLACE "_" " " legendStr ${inputTarget}) file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "\"${inputTarget}.txt\" using 1:3 title \"${legendStr}\" with lines lw 2,") endforeach(inputTarget) file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "\n") add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${baseOutputPng}ElapsedTimeCyEl.png ${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${baseOutputPng}ElapsedTime.png COMMAND gnuplot ${GNUPLOT_FILE} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}" COMMENT "Call gnuplot ${baseOutputPng}" DEPENDS ${listDepend} ) add_custom_target("plot_${baseOutputPng}" DEPENDS ${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${baseOutputPng}ElapsedTimeCyEl.png ${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${baseOutputPng}ElapsedTime.png) foreach(inputTarget ${ARGN}) add_dependencies("plot_${baseOutputPng}" "run_${inputTarget}") endforeach(inputTarget) add_dependencies(plot_all "plot_${baseOutputPng}") endfunction(plotPerf) # Plot the performances of the different output with probability on X axis and no more nb elements # baseOutputPng : base name of the png output file # ARGN : list of target to be compared function(plotPerfProba baseOutputPng) set(GNUPLOT_FILE "${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${baseOutputPng}.gnuplot") file(WRITE ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set terminal png notransparent crop enhanced size 800,600 font \"arial,14\"\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set grid xtics ytics mytics\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set key bottom right\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set logscale y\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set xlabel \"proba\"\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set ylabel \"elapsed time per element [cy/el]\"\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set output \"${baseOutputPng}ElapsedTimeCyEl.png\"\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "plot ") set(listDepend) foreach(inputTarget ${ARGN}) string(REPLACE "_" " " legendStr ${inputTarget}) file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "\"${inputTarget}.txt\" using 1:2 title \"${legendStr}\" with lines lw 2,") list(APPEND listDepend "${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${inputTarget}.txt") endforeach(inputTarget) file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set xlabel \"proba\"\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set ylabel \"elapsed time [cy]\"\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "set output \"${baseOutputPng}ElapsedTime.png\"\n") file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "plot ") foreach(inputTarget ${ARGN}) string(REPLACE "_" " " legendStr ${inputTarget}) file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "\"${inputTarget}.txt\" using 1:3 title \"${legendStr}\" with lines lw 2,") endforeach(inputTarget) file(APPEND ${GNUPLOT_FILE} "\n") add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${baseOutputPng}ElapsedTimeCyEl.png ${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${baseOutputPng}ElapsedTime.png COMMAND gnuplot ${GNUPLOT_FILE} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}" COMMENT "Call gnuplot ${baseOutputPng}" DEPENDS ${listDepend} ) add_custom_target("plot_${baseOutputPng}" DEPENDS ${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${baseOutputPng}ElapsedTimeCyEl.png ${OUTPUT_PERF_DIR}/${baseOutputPng}ElapsedTime.png) foreach(inputTarget ${ARGN}) add_dependencies("plot_${baseOutputPng}" "run_${inputTarget}") endforeach(inputTarget) add_dependencies(plot_all "plot_${baseOutputPng}") endfunction(plotPerfProba) |
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project(HPC_ASTERICS) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0) add_subdirectory(Performances) include(runExample.cmake) |
Previous The plotPerf function |
Parent Several useful CMake functions |
Outline | Next Functions to check Python environnement and build python module |