/*************************************** Auteur : Pierre Aubert Mail : aubertp7@gmail.com Licence : CeCILL-C ****************************************/ #ifndef __TABLE_PARTICLE_H__ #define __TABLE_PARTICLE_H__ #include ///@brief Table of particles struct TableParticle{ ///Number of particles size_t nbParticle; ///Table of the x position of the particles float * tabPosX; ///Table of the y position of the particles float * tabPosY; ///Table of the z position of the particles float * tabPosZ; ///Table of the x velocity of the particles float * tabVitX; ///Table of the y velocity of the particles float * tabVitY; ///Table of the z velocity of the particles float * tabVitZ; ///Table of the x acceleration of the particles float * tabAccX; ///Table of the y acceleration of the particles float * tabAccY; ///Table of the z acceleration of the particles float * tabAccZ; }; void allocTableParticle(TableParticle & tp, size_t nbParticle); void initTableParticle(TableParticle & tp); void freeTableParticle(TableParticle & tp); void moveParticle(TableParticle & tp, float dt); #endif