/*************************************** Auteur : Pierre Aubert Mail : aubertp7@gmail.com Licence : CeCILL-C ****************************************/ #include "sgemm_base.h" ///Compute the Matrix-Matrix product of the x,y matrices /** @param[out] matOut : result * @param matX : left matrix * @param matY : right matrix * @param size : size of the square matrices */ void sgemm_base(float* matOut, const float * matX, const float* matY, long unsigned int size){ for(long unsigned int i(0lu); i < size; ++i){ for(long unsigned int j(0lu); j < size; ++j){ float res(0.0f); for(long unsigned int k(0lu); k < size; ++k){ res += matX[i*size + k]*matY[k*size + j]; } matOut[i*size + j] = res; } } }