EventDisplay Class Reference

#include <EventDisplay.hh>

Inheritance diagram for EventDisplay:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for EventDisplay:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 EventDisplay (const TGWindow *p, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
 EventDisplay (std::string &rootfileName, const TGWindow *p, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
 EventDisplay (std::string &rootfileName, std::string &xmlfileName, const TGWindow *p, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
 ~EventDisplay ()
Bool_t ProcessMessage (Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2)
void PrevEvent ()
void NextEvent ()
void SetEventNum ()
void HandleMenu (int)
void Zoom ()
void UnZoom ()
void DoSlider ()
void SetSliderRange ()
void SliderReleased ()
void ShowChamberClick ()
virtual Bool_t HandleConfigureNotify (Event_t *event)
void processZoom (void)

Static Public Member Functions

static void zoomC1 (void)

Private Member Functions

void Display (bool updateDT)
void Init (UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
void DisplayMTEvent (bool updateDT)
void DisplayCaloEvent (bool updateDT)
void adjustSlider ()
void fillTreeInfo (const TFile &file)
TreeInfo_tgetTreeInfo (UInt_t eventNum)
bool IsMicromegas (UInt_t chamberId)
bool buildDetector ()
void OpenFile ()
void OpenXMLFile ()

Private Attributes

TGMenuBar * fMenuBar
TGPopupMenu * fMenuFile
TGPopupMenu * fMenuHelp
TGLabel * fLbRootFile
TGNumberEntryField * LbEventNum
TGTextButton * prevButton
TGTextButton * exitButton
TGTextButton * nextButton
TGTextButton * zoomup
TGTextButton * zoomdown
TGCheckButton * fChkBut
TGCheckButton * fShowOnlyMicromegas
TGLayoutHints * fLayout
TGDoubleHSlider * slider
TGVerticalFrame * mainFrame
UInt_t eventNum
TFile * file
string steername
UInt_t eventType
TGStatusBar * fStatusBar
TCanvas * c1
TGCanvas * gCanvas
TH1I * dtHist
TGeoMaterial * mat
TGeoMedium * med
TGeoVolume * world
TGeoManager * frame
std::map< string, TGeoVolume * > nodes
std::map< string, TGeoTranslation * > trans
std::vector< TreeInfo_t * > treeInfos
bool onlyMicromegas
bool hitMicromegas
bool drawChamber
TGToolBar * fToolBar
TCanvas * dtCan
TGNumberEntryField * deltaTMin
TGNumberEntryField * deltaTMax

Static Private Attributes

static std::vector< EventDisplay * > frames

Detailed Description

Definition at line 58 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EventDisplay::EventDisplay ( const TGWindow *  p,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 

Definition at line 165 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by G__GuiClass_857_0_37(), G__GuiClass_857_0_38(), and G__GuiClass_857_0_39().

00166     : TGMainFrame(p, w, h,kMainFrame | kVerticalFrame), eventNum(-1) , file(NULL), steername("") , c1(NULL) , detector(NULL)  
00167      , hitMicromegas(false), onlyMicromegas(false),drawChamber(false), world(NULL), dtHist(NULL) ,dtCan(NULL), deltaTMax(NULL), deltaTMin(NULL)
00168 {
00169   this->Init(w,h);
00170   frames.push_back(this);
00171 }

EventDisplay::EventDisplay ( std::string &  rootfileName,
const TGWindow *  p,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 

Definition at line 153 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

00154    : TGMainFrame(p, w, h,kMainFrame | kVerticalFrame), eventNum(-1), c1(NULL), eventType(UNDEFINED), detector(NULL),   steername("")
00155     , hitMicromegas(false) , onlyMicromegas(false),drawChamber(false), world(NULL), dtHist(NULL) ,dtCan(NULL), deltaTMax(NULL), deltaTMin(NULL)
00156 {
00157   file = new TFile(rootfileName.c_str(),"READONLY");
00158   this->Init(w,h);
00159   fillTreeInfo(*file);
00160   fStatusBar->SetText(rootfileName.c_str(),1);
00161   frames.push_back(this);
00162 }

EventDisplay::EventDisplay ( std::string &  rootfileName,
std::string &  xmlfileName,
const TGWindow *  p,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 

Definition at line 141 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

00142    : TGMainFrame(p, w, h,kMainFrame | kVerticalFrame), eventNum(-1), steername(xmlfileName) , c1(NULL), detector(NULL),  eventType(UNDEFINED)
00143      , hitMicromegas(false), onlyMicromegas(false),drawChamber(false), world(NULL), dtHist(NULL) ,dtCan(NULL), deltaTMax(NULL), deltaTMin(NULL)
00144 {
00145   file = new TFile(rootfileName.c_str(),"READONLY");
00146   this->Init(w,h);
00147   fillTreeInfo(*file);
00148   fStatusBar->SetText(rootfileName.c_str(),1);
00149   buildDetector();
00150   frames.push_back(this);
00151 }

EventDisplay::~EventDisplay (  ) 

Definition at line 378 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

00379 {
00380 }

Member Function Documentation

void EventDisplay::Display ( bool  updateDT  )  [private]

Definition at line 620 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by NextEvent(), PrevEvent(), processZoom(), SetEventNum(), SetSliderRange(), ShowChamberClick(), and SliderReleased().

00621 {
00622   if ( file == NULL ) { return ; }
00623   if ( file->IsZombie()) {
00624     exit(-1);
00625   }
00627   if ( world ) { world->ClearNodes(); }
00628   frame =new TGeoManager("Frame","mM event displayer");
00629   mat = new TGeoMaterial("SomeMaterial",1,1,1);
00630   med = new TGeoMedium("SomeMedium",1,mat);
00631   world = frame->MakeBox("World", med, 1, 1, 1); // x, y , z size unit cm
00636   if (detector != NULL &&  drawChamber &&  steername.compare("") != 0)
00637   {
00638     ChamberMap_t chambers = detector->getChambers();
00639     for ( ChamberMap_t::const_iterator iter = chambers.begin(); iter!=chambers.end(); iter++)
00640     {
00641       Chamber *chamber = (*iter).second;
00642       TGeoVolume *pad = frame->MakeBox("1" ,med,chamber->getYLength(),chamber->getXLength(),9600 );
00643       unsigned int color = 17;
00645       if ( chamber->getType().find("MICROROC")  != string::npos )
00646       { color = 7 ; }
00648       world->AddNode(pad,1,new TGeoTranslation(chamber->getX(),chamber->getY(),chamber->getZ()));
00649       pad->SetLineColor(color);
00650     }
00651   }
00653     TreeInfo_t* info = getTreeInfo(eventNum);
00654     if ( info != NULL ) 
00655     {
00656       if ( info->type == CALOEVENT ) 
00657       {
00658         this->DisplayCaloEvent(updateDt);
00659       }
00660       else if  ( info->type == MTEVENT )  
00661       {
00662         this->DisplayMTEvent(updateDt);
00663       }
00664     }
00665 }

void EventDisplay::Init ( UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height 
) [private]

Definition at line 173 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by EventDisplay().

00174 {
00175   gSystem->Load("libGeom");
00177   // construct Menu Bar
00178   fMenuBar = new TGMenuBar(this, 35, 10, kHorizontalFrame);
00179   fMenuFile = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());
00181   fMenuFile->AddEntry(" &Open Event file...", M_FILE_EVENT_OPEN, 0, gClient->GetPicture("bld_open.png"));
00182   fMenuFile->AddEntry(" &Open XML steer file...", M_FILE_XML_OPEN,0,gClient->GetPicture("bld_open.png"));
00183   fMenuFile->AddEntry(" &Exit ...", M_FILE_EXIT);
00185   fMenuFile->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "EventDisplay", this,
00186                       "HandleMenu(int)");
00188   fMenuBar->AddPopup("&File", fMenuFile, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop|kLHintsLeft, 0, 4, 0, 0));
00190   this->AddFrame(fMenuBar, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX, 2, 2, 2, 5));
00192    // Create menubar and popup menus.
00194  // layout hint items
00195    TGLayoutHints *fMenuBarLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop| kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX,
00196                                       0, 0, 0, 0);
00197    TGLayoutHints *fMenuBarItemLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 0, 4, 0, 0);
00198    TGLayoutHints *fMenuBarHelpLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight);
00200    TGMenuBar *fMenuBar = new TGMenuBar(this, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame | kRaisedFrame);
00202    //---- toolbar
00203    int spacing = 12;
00204    fToolBar = new TGToolBar(this, 60, 20, kHorizontalFrame | kRaisedFrame);
00205    for (int i = 0; xpm_names[i]; i++) {
00206       TString iconname(gProgPath);
00207       iconname += "/icons/";
00208       iconname += xpm_names[i];
00209       tb_data[i].fPixmap = iconname.Data();
00210       if (strlen(xpm_names[i]) == 0) {
00211          fToolBar->AddFrame(new TGVertical3DLine(fToolBar), new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandY, 4, 4));
00212          continue;
00213       }
00214       const TGPicture *pic = fClient->GetPicture(tb_data[i].fPixmap);
00215       TGPictureButton *pb = new TGPictureButton(fToolBar, pic, tb_data[i].fId);
00216       pb->SetToolTipText(tb_data[i].fTipText);
00217       tb_data[i].fButton = pb;
00219       fToolBar->AddButton(this, pb, spacing);
00220    //   spacing = 0;
00221    }
00222    AddFrame(fToolBar, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX, 0, 0, 0, 0));
00223    fToolBar->GetButton(M_ONLY_MICROMEGAS)->SetState(kButtonDisabled);
00224    fToolBar->GetButton(M_SHOW_CHAMBER)->SetState(kButtonDisabled);
00225    fToolBar->GetButton(M_COLOR_MICROMEGAS_HIT)->SetState(kButtonDisabled);
00228 // main frame Management
00229   this->SetMWMHints(kMWMDecorAll,
00230                 kMWMFuncAll,
00231                 kMWMInputModeless);
00232   this->MapSubwindows();
00234   this->Resize(this->GetDefaultSize());
00235   this->MapWindow();
00236   this->Resize(width,height);
00238 // Event Control
00239   // Construct event information  prev and next button
00240   TGHorizontalFrame *controls = new TGHorizontalFrame(this);
00241   AddFrame(controls, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX));
00243   TGLabel *fLbEvent = new TGLabel(controls, "Event number");
00244   LbEventNum = new TGNumberEntryField(controls);
00245   LbEventNum->SetIntNumber(-1);
00247   controls->AddFrame(fLbEvent, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft|kLHintsCenterY, 5, 2, 2, 2));
00248   controls->AddFrame(LbEventNum, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft|kLHintsCenterY, 5, 2, 2, 2));
00249   LbEventNum->Connect(" ReturnPressed()", "EventDisplay", this, "SetEventNum()");
00251 // DeltaT Control
00252   ULong_t ucolor;        // will reflect user color changes
00253   gClient->GetColorByName("#ccccff",ucolor);
00255   // horizontal frame
00256   TGVerticalFrame *dtFrame = new TGVerticalFrame(this,240,120,kVerticalFrame | kSunkenFrame | kRaisedFrame ,ucolor);
00257   this->AddFrame(dtFrame, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX ));
00260   TGLabel *deltaTLabel = new TGLabel(dtFrame, "DeltaT");
00261   deltaTLabel->SetBackgroundColor(ucolor);
00262   deltaTLabel->SetForegroundColor(kBlack);
00263   dtFrame->AddFrame(deltaTLabel, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX));
00266   TGHorizontalFrame *dtBottomFrame = new TGHorizontalFrame(dtFrame,1,1,kHorizontalFrame| kSunkenFrame ,ucolor);
00267   dtFrame->AddFrame(dtBottomFrame, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX));
00269   slider = new TGDoubleHSlider(dtBottomFrame, 200, kScaleNo, 10,
00270                                    kHorizontalFrame,
00271                                    GetDefaultFrameBackground(),
00272                                    kFALSE, kFALSE);
00273   slider->SetBackgroundColor(ucolor);
00274   slider->Connect("PositionChanged()", "EventDisplay",
00275                       this, "DoSlider()");
00277   slider->Connect("Released()", "EventDisplay",
00278                       this, "SliderReleased()");
00280   slider->SetRange(0,1);
00281   slider->SetPosition(0,1);
00284   deltaTMin = new TGNumberEntryField(dtBottomFrame);
00285   deltaTMin-> SetBackgroundColor(ucolor);
00286   deltaTMin-> SetForegroundColor(kBlack);
00287   deltaTMin->SetState(true);
00288   deltaTMin->Connect(" ReturnPressed()", "EventDisplay", this, "SetSliderRange()");
00291   dtBottomFrame->AddFrame(deltaTMin, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft));
00292   dtBottomFrame->AddFrame(slider, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX));
00295   deltaTMax = new TGNumberEntryField(dtBottomFrame);
00296   deltaTMax-> SetBackgroundColor(ucolor);
00297   deltaTMax-> SetForegroundColor(kBlack);
00298   deltaTMax->Connect(" ReturnPressed()", "EventDisplay", this, "SetSliderRange()");
00300   dtBottomFrame->AddFrame(deltaTMax, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight));
00301   deltaTMax->SetState(true);
00304   TGLabel *fooLabel = new TGLabel(dtFrame, "    ");
00305   fooLabel->SetBackgroundColor(ucolor);
00306   fooLabel->SetForegroundColor(kBlack);
00307   dtFrame->AddFrame(fooLabel, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX));
00311   // EventDisplay
00312   // Display Option Frame
00313   mainFrame = new TGVerticalFrame(this,240,120,kHorizontalFrame | kSunkenFrame | kRaisedFrame );
00314   this->AddFrame(mainFrame, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY | kSunkenFrame | kRaisedFrame));
00316   TGCompositeFrame *canvasZone = new TGCompositeFrame(mainFrame,1,1, kHorizontalFrame | kRaisedFrame);
00319   TGHorizontalFrame *fV1 = new TGHorizontalFrame(canvasZone, 800, 1  ,kSunkenFrame | kFixedWidth );
00320   TGHorizontalFrame *fV2 = new TGHorizontalFrame(canvasZone, 1, 1,kSunkenFrame);
00323   canvasZone->AddFrame(fV1,  new TGLayoutHints( kLHintsLeft   | kLHintsExpandY,2,0,2,2));
00325   TGVSplitter *splitter = new TGVSplitter(canvasZone, 10);
00326   splitter->SetFrame(fV1, kTRUE);
00327   canvasZone->AddFrame(splitter,  new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandY, 0, 0 ,0, 0));
00328   canvasZone->AddFrame(fV2,  new TGLayoutHints( kLHintsRight | kLHintsExpandX  |kLHintsExpandY,0,2,2,2));
00331   // 3D View
00332   gCanvas = new TGCanvas(fV2,1,1); 
00333   TGViewPort *viewPort = gCanvas->GetViewPort();
00335   TGCompositeFrame *compositeFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(viewPort,1,1 );
00337   TRootEmbeddedCanvas *rootEmbeddedCanvas = new TRootEmbeddedCanvas(0,compositeFrame,1100,900);
00338   c1 = rootEmbeddedCanvas->GetCanvas();
00340   gCanvas->SetContainer(compositeFrame);
00342   c1->SetFillColor(kBlack);
00343   compositeFrame->AddFrame(rootEmbeddedCanvas, new TGLayoutHints( kLHintsExpandX ));
00345   viewPort->AddFrame(compositeFrame);
00346   fV2->AddFrame(gCanvas, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY,0,0,0,0));
00347   //fV2->AddFrame(gCanvas);
00349   // DT Histogram
00350   TGCompositeFrame *compositeFrameDt = new TGCompositeFrame(fV1,1,1 );
00352   TRootEmbeddedCanvas *embeddedCanvasDt = new TRootEmbeddedCanvas(0,compositeFrameDt,800,600);
00353   dtCan = embeddedCanvasDt->GetCanvas();
00355   compositeFrameDt->AddFrame(embeddedCanvasDt, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX ));
00356   fV1->AddFrame(compositeFrameDt, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsBottom | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY ,0,0,0,0));
00358   mainFrame->AddFrame(canvasZone, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY));
00362  // Create status bar
00363    Int_t parts[] = {25, 60,15};
00364    fStatusBar = new TGStatusBar(this, 50, 10, kHorizontalFrame);
00365    fStatusBar->SetParts(parts, 3);
00366    this->AddFrame(fStatusBar, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom| kLHintsExpandX, 0, 0, 0, 0));
00367    fStatusBar->SetText("Waiting to read event ...",0);
00369   MapSubwindows();
00370   SetWindowName("Micromegas LAPP Event Viewer");
00371   SetIconName("Micromegas LAPP Event Viewer");
00372   Layout();
00373   MapWindow();
00376 }

void EventDisplay::DisplayMTEvent ( bool  updateDT  )  [private]

Definition at line 800 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by Display().

00801 {
00802   if ( updateDT )
00803   {
00804     if ( dtHist != NULL ) { delete dtHist; }
00805     dtHist = new TH1I("dt", "dt", deltaTMax->GetNumber()-deltaTMin->GetNumber()+2, deltaTMin->GetNumber()-1,deltaTMax->GetNumber()+1);
00807     TExec *ex = new TExec("ex","EventDisplay::zoomC1()");
00808     dtHist->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(ex);
00809   }
00812   MTEvent *mtEvt = NULL;
00813   int padNumber = 0;
00814   UInt_t curEvent = 0;
00816   TTree *tree =  NULL;
00817   TBranch *branch= NULL;
00818   Int_t nbEvent = 0;
00820   mtEvt = new MTEvent();
00821   TreeInfo_t* info = getTreeInfo(eventNum);
00822   if ( info != NULL )
00823   {
00824     tree = info->tree;
00825     branch= tree->GetBranch("MTEvent");
00826     branch->SetAddress(&mtEvt);
00827   }
00828   else { return; }
00830   tree->GetEntry(this->eventNum-info->min);
00832   Int_t NC = mtEvt->GetNchannel();
00833   //NC = 3000;
00834   frame->SetMaxVisNodes(NC+100);
00836   UInt_t minSlider = deltaTMin->GetNumber();
00837   UInt_t maxSlider = deltaTMax->GetNumber();
00840   map<string,TGeoVolume*> pads;
00841   map<string,int> padsDigitalValue;
00842   float x,y,z;
00843   TGeoTranslation *tr = NULL;
00844   UInt_t  drawHits = 0;
00845   for(int i=0;i<NC  ;i++)
00846   {
00847     //if ( padNumber < 169300)
00848     {
00849       MTChannel* mtChannel=NULL;
00850       //the only known way to get the information from the channels number i
00851       mtChannel = (MTChannel*)mtEvt->GetChannels()->UncheckedAt(i);
00853       UInt_t t2 = mtChannel->GetBcIdDif();
00854       UInt_t t3 = mtChannel->GetBcIdHit();
00855       UInt_t dt = t2 - t3;
00856       if (onlyMicromegas && !this->IsMicromegas(mtChannel->GetChamberId())  )  {continue;}
00857       if (  dt < minSlider || dt > maxSlider ) {  continue; }
00858       drawHits++;
00860       if ( updateDT ) dtHist->Fill(dt);
00861       float xLength = 9600 ;  //micron 
00862       float yLength = 9600 ;  //micron
00863       float zLength = 2000;   //micron
00864       // ChannelPad name
00865       string padID="";
00866       stringstream currentpad;// (stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
00867       padNumber++;
00868       currentpad<<padNumber;
00869       padID="pad_"+currentpad.str();
00871       x=mtChannel->GetX();//*10000 ;
00872       y=mtChannel->GetY();//*10000 ;
00873       z=mtChannel->GetZ();//*10000 ;
00875       ostringstream ox,oy,oz;
00876       ox << x; oy << y; oz <<z ;
00877       string key = "x[" + ox.str() + "]y[" + oy.str() + "]z[" + oz.str() +"]" ;
00878       TGeoVolume *pad = NULL;
00880       int color;
00881       int colors[3] = {kBlue,kGreen,kRed};
00882       if ( hitMicromegas && !this->IsMicromegas(mtChannel->GetChamberId()))
00883       { colors[0] = colors[1] = colors[2] = kGray; }
00885       if ( pads.find(key) == pads.end())
00886       {
00887          pad = frame->MakeBox(padID.c_str(),med,yLength/2,xLength/2,zLength/2 );
00888          pads.insert(make_pair(key,pad));
00889          tr = new TGeoTranslation(x,y,z);
00890          world->AddNode(pad,1,tr);
00891          //set now the color of the pad
00893       //   padsDigitalValue.insert(make_pair(key,colors[mtChannel->GetDigitalValue()-1]));
00894          padsDigitalValue.insert(make_pair(key,mtChannel->GetDigitalValue()-1));
00896          color = colors[mtChannel->GetDigitalValue()-1];
00898       }
00899       else {
00900         pad = pads.find(key)->second ;
00901         int oldDigitalValue = padsDigitalValue.find(key)->second;
00902         int digitalValue = 0;
00903         if ( mtChannel->GetDigitalValue() > oldDigitalValue )
00904         {
00905           digitalValue =  mtChannel->GetDigitalValue() ;
00906         }
00907         else
00908         {
00909           digitalValue = oldDigitalValue;
00910         }
00911         color = colors[digitalValue-1]; 
00912       }
00915         Char_t  strtmp[250];
00916         sprintf(strtmp,"Hits reading : %4d, please wait...",i);
00917         fStatusBar->SetText(strtmp,0);
00918         // Update display here to not slow down too much...
00919         gSystem->ProcessEvents();
00923         stringstream ch;
00924         ch<<i;
00926         if ( pad ) 
00927         {
00928           pad->SetLineColor(color);
00929           pad->SetFillColor(color);
00930           pad->SetFillStyle(4100);
00931         }
00932         else { cout << "Pad not found[" << key << "]" << endl; return ; }
00933     }
00934   }
00935   cout << " number of pad["<< padNumber <<  "]" << endl;
00937   string str = "Done: ";
00938   Toolbox::addIntToString(str, drawHits);
00939   str = str + "  hits / " ;
00940   Toolbox::addIntToString(str, mtEvt->GetNchannel());
00941   fStatusBar->SetText(str.c_str(),0);
00946   frame->SetTopVolume(world);
00948   if ( !frame->IsClosed() ) frame->CloseGeometry();
00949   dtCan->cd();
00950   if ( updateDT ) dtHist->Draw();
00951   c1->cd();
00952   world->Draw();
00953   if ( updateDT ) dtCan->Update();
00954   c1->Update();
00956   delete mtEvt;
00957 }

void EventDisplay::DisplayCaloEvent ( bool  updateDT  )  [private]

Definition at line 668 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by Display().

00669 {
00670   if ( updateDT )
00671   {
00672     if ( dtHist != NULL ) { delete dtHist ;}
00673     dtHist = new TH1I("dt", "dt", deltaTMax->GetNumber()-deltaTMin->GetNumber()+2, deltaTMin->GetNumber()-1,deltaTMax->GetNumber()+1);
00674     TExec *ex = new TExec("ex","EventDisplay::zoomC1()");
00675     dtHist->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(ex);
00676   }
00678   CaloEvent *caloEvt = NULL;
00679  // TKey *key;
00680   int padNumber = 0;
00681   UInt_t curEvent = 0;
00683   TTree *tree =  NULL;
00684   TBranch *branch= NULL;
00685   Int_t nbEvent = 0;
00687   caloEvt = new CaloEvent();
00688   TreeInfo_t* info = getTreeInfo(eventNum);
00689   if ( info != NULL )
00690   {
00691     tree = info->tree;
00692     branch= tree->GetBranch("CaloEvent");
00693     branch->SetAddress(&caloEvt);
00694   }
00695   else { return; }
00698   tree->GetEntry(this->eventNum-info->min);
00699   string foo = "EventId ";
00700   Toolbox::addIntToString(foo, this->eventNum-info->min);
00701   fStatusBar->SetText(foo.c_str(),2);
00703   Int_t NC=caloEvt->GetNHits();
00704   frame->SetMaxVisNodes(NC+100);
00706   float x,y,z;
00707   UInt_t drawHits = 0;
00708   for(int i=0;i<NC  ;i++)
00709   {
00710     if ( padNumber < 169300)
00711     {
00712       CaloHit* caloChannel = NULL;
00713       //the only known way to get the information from the channels number i
00714       caloChannel = (CaloHit*)caloEvt->GetHits()->UncheckedAt(i);
00717       Int_t dt= caloChannel->GetDeltaT();
00719       bool chamberMicromegas = false;
00723       if (onlyMicromegas && !this->IsMicromegas(caloChannel->GetLayer())  )  {continue;}
00724       if (  dt < deltaTMin->GetNumber() || dt> deltaTMax->GetNumber() )
00725       { 
00726         continue; 
00728       }
00730       drawHits++;
00732       if ( updateDT ) dtHist->Fill(dt);
00733       float xLength = 9600 ;  //micron 
00734       float yLength = 9600 ;  //micron
00735       float zLength = 2000;     //micron
00736       // ChannelPad name
00737       string padID="";
00738       stringstream currentpad;// (stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
00739       padNumber++;
00740       currentpad<<padNumber;
00741       padID="pad_"+currentpad.str();
00743       TGeoVolume *pad = frame->MakeBox(padID.c_str(),med,yLength/2,xLength/2,zLength/2 );
00744       x=caloChannel->GetX();//*10000 ;
00745       y=caloChannel->GetY();//*10000 ;
00746       z=caloChannel->GetZ();//*10000 ;
00747       //set now the color of the pad
00748       int color;
00749       int colors[3] = {kBlue,kGreen,kRed};
00750       if ( hitMicromegas && !this->IsMicromegas(caloChannel->GetLayer()))
00751       {   
00752         colors[0] = 31; 
00753         colors[1] = 41; 
00754         colors[2] = 44; }
00755       stringstream ch;
00756       ch<<i;
00758       color = colors[caloChannel->GetThreshold()-1];
00760       ostringstream ox,oy,oz;
00761       ox << x; oy << y; oz <<z ;
00762       {
00763         world->AddNode(pad,1,new TGeoTranslation(x,y,z));
00764       }
00765       pad->SetLineColor(color);
00766       pad->SetFillColor(color);
00767       pad->SetFillStyle(4100);
00768       Char_t  strtmp[250];
00769       sprintf(strtmp,"Hits reading : %4d, please wait...",i);
00770       // Update display here to not slow down too much...
00771       gSystem->ProcessEvents();
00772       fStatusBar->SetText(strtmp,0);
00774     }
00775     else
00776     {
00777       break;
00778     }
00779   }
00780   string str = "Done: "; 
00781   Toolbox::addIntToString(str, drawHits);
00782   str = str + "  hits / " ;
00783   Toolbox::addIntToString(str, caloEvt->GetNHits());
00784   fStatusBar->SetText(str.c_str(),0);
00787   frame->SetTopVolume(world);
00789   frame->CloseGeometry();
00790   dtCan->cd();
00791   if ( updateDT ) dtHist->Draw();
00792   c1->cd();
00793   world->Draw();
00794   c1->Update();
00795   if ( updateDT &&  dtCan ) dtCan->Update();
00796   delete caloEvt;
00798 }

void EventDisplay::adjustSlider (  )  [private]

Definition at line 465 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by NextEvent(), PrevEvent(), and SetEventNum().

00466 {
00467   UInt_t min = 0;
00468   UInt_t max = 0xffffffff;
00469   slider->SetRange(min, max);
00470   deltaTMin->SetNumber(min);
00472   deltaTMax->SetNumber(max);
00473   slider->SetPosition(min,max);
00474   TTree *tree =  NULL;
00475   TBranch *branch= NULL;
00476   Int_t nbEvent = 0;
00479   TreeInfo_t* info = getTreeInfo(eventNum);
00481   if ( info->type == CALOEVENT )
00482   {
00483     CaloEvent* caloEvt = new CaloEvent();
00484     tree = info->tree;
00485     branch= tree->GetBranch("CaloEvent");
00486     branch->SetAddress(&caloEvt);
00487     tree->GetEntry(this->eventNum-info->min);
00489     Int_t NC=caloEvt->GetNHits();
00490     UInt_t min = 0xffffffff;
00491     UInt_t max = 0;
00493     for(int i=0;i<NC  ;i++)
00494     {
00495       CaloHit* caloChannel = (CaloHit*)caloEvt->GetHits()->UncheckedAt(i);
00496       UInt_t dt= caloChannel->GetDeltaT();
00497       if ( dt < min ) { min = dt; }
00498       if ( dt > max ) { max = dt; }
00499     }
00501     slider->SetRange(min, max);
00502     deltaTMin->SetNumber(min);
00504     deltaTMax->SetNumber(max);
00505     slider->SetPosition(min-1,max+1);
00506     delete caloEvt;
00507   }
00508   else
00509   {
00510     MTEvent* mtEvt = new MTEvent();
00511     tree = info->tree;
00512     branch= tree->GetBranch("MTEvent");
00513     branch->SetAddress(&mtEvt);
00514     tree->GetEntry(this->eventNum-info->min);
00516     Int_t NC=mtEvt->GetNchannel();
00517     UInt_t min = 0xffffffff;
00518     UInt_t max = 0;
00520     for(int i=0;i<NC  ;i++)
00521     {
00522       MTChannel* caloChannel = (MTChannel*)mtEvt->GetChannels()->UncheckedAt(i);
00523       UInt_t t2 = caloChannel->GetBcIdDif();
00524       UInt_t t3 = caloChannel->GetBcIdHit();
00525       UInt_t dt = t2 - t3;
00528       if ( dt < min ) { min = dt; }
00529       if ( dt > max ) { max = dt; }
00530     }
00532     slider->SetRange(min, max);
00533     deltaTMin->SetNumber(min);
00534     deltaTMax->SetNumber(max);
00535     slider->SetPosition(min,max); 
00538     delete mtEvt;
00539   }
00540 }

void EventDisplay::fillTreeInfo ( const TFile &  file  )  [private]

Definition at line 980 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by EventDisplay(), and OpenFile().

00981 {
00982   treeInfos.clear();
00984   TIter nextkey(file.GetListOfKeys());
00985   TKey *key;
00986   UInt_t nbEvent = 0;
00987   while (key = (TKey*)nextkey()) 
00988   {
00989     TreeInfo_t *foo = new TreeInfo_t();
00991     TTree *tree = (TTree*)key->ReadObj();
00992     foo->min=nbEvent;
00993     foo->max=foo->min+tree->GetEntries()-1;
00994     nbEvent = foo->max+1;
00995     foo->tree = tree;
00996     if ( tree->FindBranch("CaloEvent")!= NULL)
00997     {
00998       foo->type = CALOEVENT;
00999     }
01000     else if ( tree->FindBranch("MTEvent")!= NULL)
01001     {
01002       foo->type = MTEVENT;
01003     }
01005     treeInfos.push_back(foo);
01006   }
01008 }

TreeInfo_t * EventDisplay::getTreeInfo ( UInt_t  eventNum  )  [private]

Definition at line 1011 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by adjustSlider(), Display(), DisplayCaloEvent(), and DisplayMTEvent().

01012 {
01015   std::vector<TreeInfo_t*>::const_iterator iter;
01017   for( iter = treeInfos.begin(); iter != treeInfos.end(); iter++)
01018   {
01019     TreeInfo_t* info= *iter;
01020     if ( eventNum >= info->min && eventNum <= info->max )
01021     {
01022       return info;
01023     }
01024   }
01025   return NULL;
01026 }

bool EventDisplay::IsMicromegas ( UInt_t  chamberId  )  [private]

Definition at line 1029 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

01030 {
01031     Chamber *chamber = NULL;
01032     if ( detector != NULL )
01033     {
01034       chamber = &(detector->getChamberById(chamberId));
01035       if ( chamber != NULL  )
01036       {
01037          if ( chamber->getType().find("MICROROC")  != string::npos )
01038         {
01039             return true;
01040         }
01041       }
01042     }
01043   return false;
01044 }

bool EventDisplay::buildDetector (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1048 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by EventDisplay(), and OpenXMLFile().

01049 {
01050   if (steername.compare("") !=0 )
01051   {
01052     XMLTool xml;
01053     SteerDesc steerDesc;
01054     xml.parse(steerDesc, steername); // parse steer file and fill steerDesc
01055     detector = new Detector();
01057     UInt_t nbChamber= detector->build(steerDesc);
01059     if ( nbChamber == 0 || nbChamber!= steerDesc.chambers.size() )
01060     {
01061        fToolBar->GetButton(M_ONLY_MICROMEGAS)->SetState(kButtonDisabled);
01062        fToolBar->GetButton(M_SHOW_CHAMBER)->SetState(kButtonDisabled);
01063        fToolBar->GetButton(M_COLOR_MICROMEGAS_HIT)->SetState(kButtonDisabled);
01064       return false;
01065     }
01066     fToolBar->GetButton(M_ONLY_MICROMEGAS)->SetState(kButtonUp);
01067     fToolBar->GetButton(M_SHOW_CHAMBER)->SetState(kButtonUp);
01068     fToolBar->GetButton(M_COLOR_MICROMEGAS_HIT)->SetState(kButtonUp);
01069   }
01071 return true;
01072 }

void EventDisplay::OpenFile (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1076 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by HandleMenu(), and ProcessMessage().

01077 {
01078    TRootHelpDialog *hd;
01079    static TString dir(".");
01080    TGFileInfo fi;
01081    fi.fFileTypes = dnd_types;
01082    fi.fIniDir    = StrDup(dir);
01084          fi.fFileTypes = filetypes;
01085            new TGFileDialog(gClient->GetRoot(), this, kFDOpen, &fi);
01086            if ( fi.fFilename != NULL )
01087            {
01088             string *full;
01089             full  = new string(fi.fFilename);
01090             if ( file != NULL )
01091             {
01092               std::vector<TreeInfo_t*>::const_iterator iter;
01093               for( iter = treeInfos.begin(); iter != treeInfos.end(); iter++)
01094               {
01095                 TreeInfo_t* info= *iter;
01096                 {
01097                   delete info;
01098                 }
01099               }
01100               treeInfos.clear();
01101               delete dtHist;
01102               dtHist = NULL;
01103               file->Close();
01104               delete file;
01105               eventNum = 0;
01106               LbEventNum->SetIntNumber(eventNum);
01107             }
01110             file = new TFile(full->c_str(),"READONLY");
01111             fStatusBar->SetText(full->c_str(),1);
01112             fillTreeInfo(*file);
01113         }
01115  }

void EventDisplay::OpenXMLFile (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1118 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by HandleMenu(), and ProcessMessage().

01119 {
01120    TRootHelpDialog *hd;
01121    static TString dir(".");
01122    TGFileInfo fi;
01123    fi.fFileTypes = dnd_types;
01124    fi.fIniDir    = StrDup(dir);
01125            fi.fFileTypes = filetypes;
01126            new TGFileDialog(gClient->GetRoot(), this, kFDOpen, &fi);
01127            if ( fi.fFilename != NULL )
01128             {
01129               steername  = fi.fFilename;
01130               buildDetector();
01131             }
01132 }

Bool_t EventDisplay::ProcessMessage ( Long_t  msg,
Long_t  parm1,
Long_t  parm2 

Definition at line 546 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

00548 {
00549    Window_t wdummy;
00550    int ax, ay;
00551    TRootHelpDialog *hd;
00552    //TGListTreeItem *item;
00553    TGFileInfo fi;
00554    Char_t  strtmp[250];
00556     // Process events generated by the buttons in the frame.
00557     switch (GET_MSG(msg)) {
00559         case kC_COMMAND:
00561             switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) {
00562               case kCM_BUTTON:
00563                   switch (parm1) {
00565                   case   M_FILE_EVENT_OPEN:
00566                     OpenFile();
00567                   break;
00568                   case   M_FILE_XML_OPEN:
00569                     OpenXMLFile();
00570                   break;
00571                   case   M_EVENT_PREV:
00572                     PrevEvent();
00573                   break;
00574                   case   M_EVENT_NEXT:
00575                     NextEvent();
00576                   break;
00577                   case   M_EVENT_SELECT:
00578                   SetEventNum();
00579                   break;
00580                   case   M_ZOOM_PLUS:
00581                     Zoom();
00582                   break;
00583                   case   M_ZOOM_MOINS:
00584                     UnZoom();
00585                   break;
00586                   case   M_SHOW_CHAMBER:
00587                      drawChamber = !drawChamber;
00588                      fToolBar->GetButton(M_SHOW_CHAMBER)->SetDown(drawChamber);
00589                      ShowChamberClick();
00590                   break;
00591                   case   M_COLOR_MICROMEGAS_HIT:
00592                     hitMicromegas = !hitMicromegas; 
00593                     fToolBar->GetButton(M_COLOR_MICROMEGAS_HIT)->SetDown(hitMicromegas);
00594                     ShowChamberClick();
00595                   break;
00596                   case   M_ONLY_MICROMEGAS:
00597                     onlyMicromegas = !onlyMicromegas; 
00598                     fToolBar->GetButton(M_ONLY_MICROMEGAS)->SetDown(onlyMicromegas);
00599                     ShowChamberClick();
00600                   break;
00601                   case   M_FILE_EXIT:
00602                     CloseWindow();
00603                   break;
00604                   }
00605                      break;
00608                 default:
00609                     break;
00610             }
00611         default:
00612             break;
00613     }
00614     return kTRUE;
00615 }

void EventDisplay::PrevEvent (  ) 

Definition at line 443 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by G__GuiClass_857_0_41(), and ProcessMessage().

00444 {
00445   if ( file == NULL ) { return ; }
00446   if ( eventNum == 0 ) eventNum = 1; 
00447   eventNum--;
00449   LbEventNum->SetIntNumber(eventNum);
00450   adjustSlider();
00451   this->Display(true);
00452 }

void EventDisplay::NextEvent (  ) 

Definition at line 455 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by G__GuiClass_857_0_42(), and ProcessMessage().

00456 {
00457   if ( file == NULL ) { return ; }
00458   eventNum++;
00459   LbEventNum->SetIntNumber(eventNum);
00460   adjustSlider();
00461   this->Display(true);
00462 }

void EventDisplay::SetEventNum (  ) 

Definition at line 424 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by G__GuiClass_857_0_43(), and ProcessMessage().

00425 {
00426   if ( file == NULL ) { return ; }
00427   if ( LbEventNum->GetIntNumber() >= 0)
00428   {
00429     eventNum = LbEventNum->GetIntNumber();
00430     adjustSlider();
00431     this->Display(true);
00432   }
00433 }

void EventDisplay::HandleMenu ( int   ) 

Definition at line 960 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by G__GuiClass_857_0_44().

00961 {
00962    // Handle menu events.
00964    switch (menu_id) {
00965       case M_FILE_EXIT:
00966          // close the window and quit application
00967         CloseWindow();
00968          gApplication->Terminate(0);
00969          break;
00970       case M_FILE_EVENT_OPEN:
00971         OpenFile();
00972         break;
00973       case M_FILE_XML_OPEN:
00974         OpenXMLFile();
00975         break;
00976    }
00977 }

void EventDisplay::Zoom (  ) 

Definition at line 415 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by G__GuiClass_857_0_45(), and ProcessMessage().

00416 {
00417   c1->cd();
00418   c1->GetView()->ZoomView(0, 1.25);
00419   c1->Modified();
00420   c1->Update();
00422 }

void EventDisplay::UnZoom (  ) 

Definition at line 405 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by G__GuiClass_857_0_46(), and ProcessMessage().

00406 {
00408   c1->cd();
00409   c1->GetView()->UnzoomView(0, 1.25);
00410   c1->Modified();
00411   c1->Update();
00413 }

void EventDisplay::DoSlider (  ) 

Definition at line 390 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by G__GuiClass_857_0_47().

00391 {
00392  deltaTMin->SetNumber(slider->GetMinPosition());
00394  deltaTMax->SetNumber(slider->GetMaxPosition());
00395 }

void EventDisplay::SetSliderRange (  ) 

Definition at line 397 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by G__GuiClass_857_0_48().

00398 {
00399     if ( deltaTMin->GetIntNumber() < 0 ) { deltaTMin->SetNumber(0 ); }
00400     else if ( deltaTMax->GetIntNumber() < 0 ) { deltaTMax->SetNumber(0 ); }
00401     slider->SetPosition(deltaTMin->GetIntNumber(),deltaTMax->GetIntNumber());
00402     this->Display(true);
00403 }

void EventDisplay::SliderReleased (  ) 

Definition at line 385 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by G__GuiClass_857_0_49().

00386 {
00387  this->Display(true);
00388 }

void EventDisplay::ShowChamberClick (  ) 

Definition at line 436 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by G__GuiClass_857_0_50(), and ProcessMessage().

00437 {
00438     gSystem->ProcessEvents();
00439     this->Display(true);
00440 }

Bool_t EventDisplay::HandleConfigureNotify ( Event_t *  event  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1135 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

01136 {
01137    // This event is generated when the frame is resized.
01139    TGFrame* f = (TGFrame*)this;
01140    if ((event->fWidth != f->GetWidth()) || (event->fHeight != f->GetHeight())) {
01141       UInt_t w = event->fWidth;
01142       UInt_t h = event->fHeight;
01143       f->Resize(w,h);
01144       f->Layout();
01145    }
01146    return kTRUE;
01147 }

void EventDisplay::processZoom ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1151 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by G__GuiClass_857_0_52().

01152 {
01154   if ( deltaTMin->GetNumber() != dtCan->GetUxmin() || deltaTMax->GetNumber() != dtCan->GetUxmax() )
01155   { 
01157     if ( dtCan->GetUxmin() < 0 )
01158     {
01159       deltaTMin->SetNumber(0);
01160     }
01161     else
01162     {
01163       deltaTMin->SetNumber(dtCan->GetUxmin());
01164     }
01166     deltaTMax->SetNumber(dtCan->GetUxmax());
01167     this->Display(false);
01168   }
01169 }

void EventDisplay::zoomC1 ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 1172 of file EventDisplay.cpp.

Referenced by G__GuiClass_857_0_53(), and G__setup_memfuncEventDisplay().

01173 {
01175   for ( std::vector<EventDisplay*>::const_iterator iter = frames.begin() ; iter != frames.end(); iter++)
01176   {
01178     (*iter)->processZoom();
01179   }
01180 }

Member Data Documentation

TGMenuBar* EventDisplay::fMenuBar [private]

Definition at line 62 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by Init().

TGPopupMenu* EventDisplay::fMenuFile [private]

Definition at line 63 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by Init().

TGPopupMenu* EventDisplay::fMenuHelp [private]

Definition at line 64 of file EventDisplay.hh.

TGLabel* EventDisplay::fLbRootFile [private]

Definition at line 65 of file EventDisplay.hh.

TGNumberEntryField* EventDisplay::LbEventNum [private]

Definition at line 66 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by Init(), NextEvent(), OpenFile(), PrevEvent(), and SetEventNum().

TGTextButton* EventDisplay::prevButton [private]

Definition at line 68 of file EventDisplay.hh.

TGTextButton * EventDisplay::exitButton [private]

Definition at line 68 of file EventDisplay.hh.

TGTextButton * EventDisplay::nextButton [private]

Definition at line 68 of file EventDisplay.hh.

TGTextButton * EventDisplay::zoomup [private]

Definition at line 68 of file EventDisplay.hh.

TGTextButton * EventDisplay::zoomdown [private]

Definition at line 68 of file EventDisplay.hh.

TGCheckButton* EventDisplay::fChkBut [private]

Definition at line 69 of file EventDisplay.hh.

TGCheckButton* EventDisplay::fShowOnlyMicromegas [private]

Definition at line 70 of file EventDisplay.hh.

TGLayoutHints* EventDisplay::fLayout [private]

Definition at line 71 of file EventDisplay.hh.

TGDoubleHSlider* EventDisplay::slider [private]

Definition at line 79 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by adjustSlider(), DoSlider(), Init(), and SetSliderRange().

TGVerticalFrame* EventDisplay::mainFrame [private]

Definition at line 80 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by Init().

UInt_t EventDisplay::eventNum [private]

Definition at line 83 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by adjustSlider(), Display(), DisplayCaloEvent(), DisplayMTEvent(), NextEvent(), OpenFile(), PrevEvent(), and SetEventNum().

TFile* EventDisplay::file [private]

Definition at line 84 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by Display(), EventDisplay(), NextEvent(), OpenFile(), PrevEvent(), and SetEventNum().

string EventDisplay::steername [private]

Definition at line 85 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by buildDetector(), Display(), and OpenXMLFile().

UInt_t EventDisplay::eventType [private]

Definition at line 87 of file EventDisplay.hh.

TGStatusBar* EventDisplay::fStatusBar [private]

Definition at line 89 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by DisplayCaloEvent(), DisplayMTEvent(), EventDisplay(), Init(), and OpenFile().

TCanvas* EventDisplay::c1 [private]

Definition at line 90 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by DisplayCaloEvent(), DisplayMTEvent(), Init(), UnZoom(), and Zoom().

TGCanvas* EventDisplay::gCanvas [private]

Definition at line 91 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by Init().

TH1I* EventDisplay::dtHist [private]

Definition at line 92 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by DisplayCaloEvent(), DisplayMTEvent(), and OpenFile().

TGeoMaterial* EventDisplay::mat [private]

Definition at line 93 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by Display().

TGeoMedium* EventDisplay::med [private]

Definition at line 94 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by Display(), DisplayCaloEvent(), and DisplayMTEvent().

TGeoVolume* EventDisplay::world [private]

Definition at line 95 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by Display(), DisplayCaloEvent(), and DisplayMTEvent().

TGeoManager* EventDisplay::frame [private]

Definition at line 96 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by Display(), DisplayCaloEvent(), and DisplayMTEvent().

std::map<string, TGeoVolume*> EventDisplay::nodes [private]

Definition at line 97 of file EventDisplay.hh.

std::map<string, TGeoTranslation*> EventDisplay::trans [private]

Definition at line 98 of file EventDisplay.hh.

std::vector<TreeInfo_t*> EventDisplay::treeInfos [private]

Definition at line 100 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by fillTreeInfo(), getTreeInfo(), and OpenFile().

Detector* EventDisplay::detector [private]

Definition at line 102 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by buildDetector(), Display(), and IsMicromegas().

bool EventDisplay::onlyMicromegas [private]

Definition at line 104 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by DisplayCaloEvent(), DisplayMTEvent(), and ProcessMessage().

bool EventDisplay::hitMicromegas [private]

Definition at line 105 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by DisplayCaloEvent(), DisplayMTEvent(), and ProcessMessage().

bool EventDisplay::drawChamber [private]

Definition at line 106 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by Display(), and ProcessMessage().

TGToolBar* EventDisplay::fToolBar [private]

Definition at line 107 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by buildDetector(), Init(), and ProcessMessage().

TCanvas* EventDisplay::dtCan [private]

Definition at line 109 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by DisplayCaloEvent(), DisplayMTEvent(), Init(), and processZoom().

TGNumberEntryField* EventDisplay::deltaTMin [private]

Definition at line 110 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by adjustSlider(), DisplayCaloEvent(), DisplayMTEvent(), DoSlider(), Init(), processZoom(), and SetSliderRange().

TGNumberEntryField* EventDisplay::deltaTMax [private]

Definition at line 111 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by adjustSlider(), DisplayCaloEvent(), DisplayMTEvent(), DoSlider(), Init(), processZoom(), and SetSliderRange().

std::vector<EventDisplay*> EventDisplay::frames [static, private]

Definition at line 112 of file EventDisplay.hh.

Referenced by EventDisplay(), and zoomC1().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Mon Jan 7 13:18:20 2013 for MicromegasFramework by  doxygen 1.4.7