#ifndef VEGA_VFrameMetaDB
#define VEGA_VFrameMetaDB

//*-- Author :    Damir Buskulic   20/05/99

#include <math.h>
#include "TString.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "THashList.h"
#include "FrameL.h"
#include "VFrCondition.h"
#include "VMetaString.h"
#include "VConditionNames.h"
#include "VConditionFormula.h"
#include "VConditionSetFMDB.h"
#include "VGroupInfo.h"
#include "VVirtualMetaDBPlayer.h"
#include "VMetaData.h"
#include "VHashTable.h"

class VConditionFormula;
class TObject;
class VFrameMetaDB;
class VHashTable;

//                                                                      //
// VFrFileIndex                                                         //
//                                                                      //
// Frame file index used in the VHashTable                              //
//                                                                      //
class VFrFileIndex : public TObject
           Double_t   mStartTime;       // Start time of the first frame of this file
           Double_t   mEndTime;         // End time of the last frame of this file
           Int_t      mFirstMetaIndex;  // index of the first frame of this file in the metadata tree
           Int_t      mLastMetaIndex;   // index of the last frame of this file in the metadata tree
           Int_t      mConditionsIndex; // index of the conditions index tree
           Int_t      mFirstGroup;      // first frames group number
           Int_t      mLastGroup;       // last frames group number
public :
   VFrFileIndex(Double_t start, Double_t end, Int_t firstindex, Int_t lastindex,
                Int_t condindex, Int_t firstgroup, Int_t lastgroup)
         {mStartTime = start; mEndTime = end; mFirstMetaIndex = firstindex;
          mLastMetaIndex = lastindex; mConditionsIndex = condindex;
          mFirstGroup = firstgroup; mLastGroup = lastgroup;}

   Double_t   GetStartTime() {return mStartTime;}
//   TString    GetStartTimeString();
   Double_t   GetEndTime() {return mEndTime;}
   Int_t      GetFirstMetaIndex() {return mFirstMetaIndex;}
   Int_t      GetLastMetaIndex() {return mLastMetaIndex;}
   Int_t      GetConditionsIndex() {return mConditionsIndex;}
   Int_t      GetFirstGroup() {return mFirstGroup;}
   Int_t      GetLastGroup() {return mLastGroup;}
   void       SetStartTime(Double_t start) {mStartTime = start;}
   void       SetEndTime(Double_t end) {mEndTime = end;}
   void       SetFirstMetaIndex(Int_t first) {mFirstMetaIndex = first;}
   void       SetLastMetaIndex(Int_t last) {mLastMetaIndex = last;}
   void       SetConditionsIndex(Int_t cond) {mConditionsIndex = cond;}
   void       SetFirstGroup(Int_t group) {mFirstGroup = group;}
   void       SetLastGroup(Int_t group) {mLastGroup = group;}

   ClassDef(VFrFileIndex,2) // Frame file index

//                                                                      //
// VMetaDataFMDB                                                        //
//                                                                      //
// Meta data for one frame. The filename, detector and status are kept  //
// inside another object (VMetaString) to allow use of split mode       //
// for this one. This may change, this is an internal structure         //
//                                                                      //
class VMetaDataFMDB : public TObject
private :
   UInt_t      mRunNumber;      // Run number containing this frame
   UInt_t      mFrameNumber;    // Absolute frame number
   VGPSTime    mStartTime;      // Start time of the frame
   Double_t    mLength;         // Length of the frame
   Int_t       mQuality;        // Quality of data flags
   Int_t       mTrigger;        // Trigger bits
   Int_t       mGroup;          // Group number for this frame
public :

   VMetaDataFMDB(TString fileName, UInt_t runNumber, UInt_t frameNumber,
                  VGPSTime startTime, VGPSTime  localStartTime, Double_t length,
                  TString detector="VIRGO", TString state="L", Int_t quality=1,
                  Int_t trigger=1);

   virtual UInt_t      GetRunNumber() {return mRunNumber;}
   virtual UInt_t      GetFrameNumber() {return mFrameNumber;}
   virtual VGPSTime    GetStartTime() {return mStartTime;}
   virtual Double_t    GetLength() {return mLength;}
   virtual Int_t       GetQuality() {return mQuality;}
   virtual Int_t       GetTrigger() {return mTrigger;}
   virtual Int_t       GetGroup() {return mGroup;}

   virtual void      SetRunNumber(UInt_t run) {mRunNumber = run;}
   virtual void      SetFrameNumber(UInt_t frame) {mFrameNumber = frame;}
   virtual void      SetStartTime(VGPSTime start) {mStartTime = start;}
   virtual void      SetLength(Double_t length) {mLength = length;}
   virtual void      SetQuality(Int_t qual) {mQuality = qual;}
   virtual void      SetTrigger(Int_t trig) {mTrigger = trig;}
   virtual void      SetGroup(Int_t group) {mGroup = group;}
   virtual void      Print(Option_t * opt="") {}
   ClassDef(VMetaDataFMDB,2) // Meta data for one frame

//                                                                      //
// VFrameMetaDB                                                         //
//                                                                      //
// Local frame data base                                                //
// Uses the standard Framelib                                           //
//                                                                      //

struct CondIndex_t {Int_t first, last;};  // helper struct for conditions indices

class VFrameMetaDB : public VVirtualFrameInfoDB
private :
   TFile*             mDBFile;          // the database file
   TString            mPathToDB;        // path to db file
   TString            mOption;          // DB opened option "read" or "update"
   Bool_t             mIsOpened;        // DB opened flag

   TTree*             mMetaTree;        // Meta data tree associated to this database
   THashList*         mConditionTree;   // The conditions trees (triggers, sms, user conditions...) in a list
   TTree*             mConditionsIndex; // The conditions trees index

   VMetaDataFMDB*     mTmpMeta;         // Address of the frame metadata
   VMetaString*       mTmpMetaString;   // Strings of the meta data : filename, detector, state
   VFrCondition**     mTmpConditions;   // Condition objects used for I/O
   CondIndex_t*       mTmpCondIndex;    // Indices (first and last) of a set of conditions in it's condition tree
   Int_t              mNConditions;     // Number of conditions
   VHashTable*        mHashTable;       // Hash table associated to this database

   Int_t              mCurMetaIndex;    // Last accessed meta data index
   Int_t*             mCurCondTreeIndex; // indices of current conditions in respective condition trees
   Double_t           mCurFrameStart;   // current frame start time;
   Double_t           mCurFrameEnd;     // current frame end time;
   TString            mCurVectName;     // current vector name;
   Int_t              mCurCondGroup;    // current condition group;
   UInt_t             mLastRunNumber;   // Run number of the last frame opened
   UInt_t             mLastFrNumber;    // Frame number of the last frame opened

   VConditionNames*   mConditionNames;  // Names of conditions present in the database

   TTree*             mGroupList;       // Group : group contents tree
   VGroupInfo*        mTmpGroupInfo;    // Group : one group information
   VGroupInfo*        mLastGroupInfo;   // Group : group info for the last group
   VVirtualMetaDBPlayer*  mPlayer;      // Pointer to current metadb player
public :
           Int_t     FindIndex(Double_t gpstime, Double_t& frbegin, Double_t& frend);
           Int_t     FindIndex(Int_t approxindex, Double_t gpstime);
           Int_t     AddFiles(const char* filenames, const char* extrapath, Option_t* option);
           TArrayF   AnalyzeTriggerString(char* string, TString& outputnames);
           Int_t     AddCondition(char* name, VGPSTime time, Float_t timebefore, Float_t timeafter,
                                    Bool_t  triggerStatus, Float_t amplitude,
                                    Float_t prob, TString varNames, TArrayF tvars, Int_t group);
           Bool_t    BuildNewCondition(char* name, const char* varnames);
           Int_t     FindNearestGEIndex(Double_t gpstime, VConditionFormula* condf,
                                         Double_t& frbegin, Double_t& frend, Double_t& cobegin, Double_t& coend, Int_t& cogroup);
           Int_t     FindNearestGEIndex(Double_t gpstime, Double_t& frbegin, Double_t& frend);
           Int_t     FindNearestLEIndex(Double_t gpstime, Double_t& frbegin, Double_t& frend);
           Int_t     FindNearestGECondIndex(const char* condname, Double_t gpstime, Double_t& frbegin, Double_t& frend);
           Int_t     FindNearestGECondIndex(Int_t conditionnumber, Double_t gpstime, Double_t& frbegin, Double_t& frend);
public :
   VFrameMetaDB(char* filename, Option_t* mode="READ",char* frfilenames="", Option_t* option="R");
   virtual ~VFrameMetaDB();
           FrameH*   FrameReadHeader(FrFile* iFile, int frnum);
// Opening and building the database

   virtual void          Build(char* pathtofiles, char* filename, Option_t* option="R");
   virtual Bool_t        Open(char* pathtoDB, Option_t* openopt = "READ");
   virtual Int_t         AddFiles(const char* filenames, Option_t* option="R");
   virtual void          Close();

// Factory part. Creating objects exchanged by the database
   virtual VConditionSet* CreateConditionSet(const char* condfs, const char* selfs=0);

// Drawing and getting information about the database
   VVirtualMetaDBPlayer* GetPlayer();
   virtual void          Draw(const char* selexp, const char* selection="", Option_t* option = "", Double_t start = 0, Double_t length = 0);
   virtual TFile*        GetDBFile() const {return mDBFile;}
   virtual const char*   GetOption() {return mOption.Data();}
   virtual const char*   GetPathToDB() {return mPathToDB.Data();}
   virtual Bool_t        IsOpened() {return mIsOpened;}
   virtual TTree*        GetMetaTree() const {return mMetaTree;}
   virtual THashList*    GetConditionTree() const {return mConditionTree;}
   virtual VConditionNames*  GetConditionNames() const {return mConditionNames;}
   virtual Int_t         GetNConditions() {return mNConditions;}
   virtual VHashTable*   GetDBHash() const {return mHashTable;}
   virtual Double_t      GetDBStart() {if (mHashTable) return mHashTable->GetGlobalStartTime(); else return 0;}
   virtual Double_t      GetDBEnd() {if (mHashTable) return mHashTable->GetGlobalEndTime(); else return 0;}
   virtual Double_t      GetStart();
   virtual Double_t      GetEnd();
   virtual void          Print(Option_t* opt="");
// Getting the metadata information
   virtual void          GetMetaData(VMetaData* meta, Double_t time);
   virtual void          NextMetaData(VMetaData* meta);
   virtual void          PreviousMetaData(VMetaData* meta);
   virtual void          NextMetaData(VMetaData* meta, VConditionSet* condset);
   virtual void          NextMetaData(VMetaData* meta, Double_t time, VConditionFormula* condf=0);
   virtual void          NextMetaData(VMetaData* meta, Double_t time, VConditionSet* condset);
   virtual void          NextMetaData(VMetaData* meta, Double_t time, const char* selection);
//    Gets standard conditions for last read entry in the conditions tree
   virtual VFrCondition** GetConditionsArray() const {return mTmpConditions;}

// Dealing with conditions
           Int_t         LoadNearestGECondition(Double_t gpstime, Int_t conditionnumber=-2);
           Int_t         LoadNearestGECondition(Double_t gpstime, const char* name);
           Int_t         LoadNextCondition(Int_t conditionnumber);
           Int_t         LoadNextCondition(char* name);
           VFrCondition* GetLoadedCondition(const char* name);
           VFrCondition* GetLoadedCondition(Int_t conditionnumber) {return mTmpConditions[conditionnumber];}
   ClassDef(VFrameMetaDB,0) // Local frame database

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