Builds the frame database
pathtofiles is the path to the directory containing the frame files
used to build the DB
filename is the name of the ROOT file that is the DB. It will be created
in the current directory
Add a condition to this database. Builds a new condition tree and adds
a branch in the index tree. If the index tree already has entries, fill
the newly created branch with 0's for the size of the index tree.
"name" is the name of the new condition tree.
The consistency of the structure is maintained so that the same index is
used in Condition Names, tree list, TmpConditions objects, TmpCondIndex.
On return, 0 = error, 1 = OK
Add files described by "filenames" in the database
The options are :
"R" means a recursive search will be done. This is the default.
"S" a simple search is performed, not looking at directories.
Reads only the frame header for the frame number
frnum in the specified file. Builds a frame structure (temporary)
Builds a frame structure (temporary)
This routine takes code from the relevant parts of the Framelib.
(Thanks, Benoit !)
Add files described by "filenames" in the database
The options are :
"R" means a recursive search will be done. This is the default.
"S" a simple search is performed, not looking at directories.
if option contains "P" then it is a primary call, not the result
of a recursive one
extrapath is put in front of the filenames, needed in the database
Add a defined condition to the database. Fills the corresponding tree,
and if the condition type (name) doesn't exist, builds a new tree and
a new index branch.
return the index of the new entry in the condition tree
Finds the index of the frame meta corresponding to time "gpstime"
in the metadata tree. approxindex is an approximate value of the index.
(usually the right one !)
The search is made in the same group of frames (consecutive frames)
Finds the index of the frame that contains data for time "gpstime"
or the frame that is the nearest next one and that satisfies the selection
formula "condf". (GE stands for Greater or Equal)
The time is a GPS time expressed as a double : seconds.nanoseconds
If the pointer to condition is null, suppose no condition asked, will return
the next nearest frame index.
Finds the index of the frame that contains data for time "gpstime"
or the frame that is the nearest next one (GE stands for Greater or Equal)
The time is a GPS time expressed as a double : seconds.nanoseconds
the next nearest frame index.
Finds the index of the frame that contains data for time "gpstime"
or the frame that is the nearest PREVIOUS one (LE stands for Lower or Equal)
The time is a GPS time expressed as a double : seconds.nanoseconds
returns the next nearest frame index.
Finds the index of the condition that contains data for time "gpstime"
or the condition that is the nearest next one.
(GE stands for Greater or Equal)
The time is a GPS time expressed as a double : seconds.nanoseconds
returns the index searched for.
Finds the index of the condition that contains data for time "gpstime"
or the condition that is the nearest next one.
(GE stands for Greater or Equal)
The time is a GPS time expressed as a double : seconds.nanoseconds
returns the index searched for.
Loads the condition "name" that is nearest next to the time "gpstime"
The reference is the start time of the condition, i.e. the time of the
maximum - timeBefore.
If name = "*", loads all the present conditions. To load only relevant
conditions, one should set the branches in the condition trees to active
or inactive state.
These conditions are loaded into variables internal to the database
return the index.
Loads the condition corresponding to number "conditionnumber",
that is nearest next to the time "gpstime"
The reference is the start time of the condition, i.e. the time of the
maximum - timeBefore.
If conditionnumber = -2, loads all the present conditions. To load only relevant
conditions, one should set the branches in the condition trees to active
or inactive state.
These conditions are loaded into variables internal to the database
return the index.
Loads the condition named "name" and nearest
next one to the previously loaded. This method should only be called
in conjunction with LoadNearestGECondition(). Using LoadNearestGECondition()
in one function and LoadNextCondition() in another should be avoided in
order to keep the consistency of the conditions loading.
The condition is loaded into variables internal to the database
return the index.
Loads the condition that is defined by "condition number" and nearest
next one to the previously loaded. This method should only be called
in conjunction with LoadNearestGECondition(). Using LoadNearestGECondition()
in one function and LoadNextCondition() in another should be avoided in
order to keep the consistency of the conditions loading.
The condition is loaded into variables internal to the database
return the index.
Draws expression selexp for conditions defined in the database
Builds a TGraph representing selexp over time, vetoed by selection
selexp is an expression (formula) referencing a combination of conditions
selexp = trig.amp simplest case: draw a plot of amplitude of
condition named trig
= sqrt(trig.p) : draw distribution of sqrt(trig.p)
= x*y/z : where x, y and z are conditions
defined in the database
Note that selexp may contain a selection.
example, if selexp= x*(y<0), the value plotted will be x if y<0
and will be 0 otherwise.
selection is an expression with a combination of the conditions.
In a selection all the C++ operators are authorized.
The value corresponding to the selection expression is used as a veto
to plot the points. If it is not 0, the point is plotted.
The value returned is not relevant, only relevant is
(selection==0) -> point skipped or (selection!=0) -> point plotted
selection1 = "x<y && sqrt(z)>3.2"
selection2 = "(x+y)*(sqrt(z)>3.2"
selection1 returns a value = 0 or 1
selection2 returns a value = x+y if sqrt(z)>3.2
returns a value = 0 otherwise.
Warning : if there is no selection (selection=""), selexp itself
will be taken as selection expression, i.e. only points where
selexp != 0 will be plotted
option is the drawing option
see TGraph::Draw for the list of all drawing options.
start is the start time of the first conditions to process
(default is beginning of database values)
length is the length in time of the data to process (default is all data)
Prints information about the database and it's contents
option :
"full" : prints all the database info. VERY LONG. mainly for test
"conditions" : prints only conditions names
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