A metadatabase (of type VVirtualInfoDB) contains metadata of frame data
The player will allow one to draw some plots related to this
metadata. Currently, one draws only the selection part of
the metadatabase (triggers)
The metadb player is loaded only when needed by the system, it is
not linked at compile time with the program
Draws expression selexp for conditions defined in the database
Builds a TGraph representing selexp over time, vetoed by selection
selexp is an expression (formula) referencing a combination of conditions
selexp = trig.amp simplest case: draw a plot of amplitude of
condition named trig
= sqrt(trig.p) : draw distribution of sqrt(trig.p)
= x*y/z : where x, y and z are conditions
defined in the database
Note that selexp may contain a selection.
example, if selexp= x*(y<0), the value plotted will be x if y<0
and will be 0 otherwise.
selection is an expression with a combination of the conditions.
In a selection all the C++ operators are authorized.
The value corresponding to the selection expression is used as a veto
to plot the points. If it is not 0, the point is plotted.
The value returned is not relevant, only relevant is
(selection==0) -> point skipped or (selection!=0) -> point plotted
selection1 = "x<y && sqrt(z)>3.2"
selection2 = "(x+y)*(sqrt(z)>3.2"
selection1 returns a value = 0 or 1
selection2 returns a value = x+y if sqrt(z)>3.2
returns a value = 0 otherwise.
Warning : if there is no selection (selection=""), selexp itself
will be taken as selection expression, i.e. only points where
selexp != 0 will be plotted
option is the drawing option
see TGraph::Draw for the list of all drawing options.
start is the start time of the first conditions to process
(default is beginning of database values)
length is the length in time of the data to process (default is all data)
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