//*-- Author : Damir Buskulic 22/11/00//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// VMetaDBPlayer //// //// A metadatabase (of type VVirtualInfoDB) contains metadata of frame data //// The player will allow one to draw some plots related to this //// metadata. Currently, one draws only the selection part of //// the metadatabase (triggers) //// The metadb player is loaded only when needed by the system, it is //// not linked at compile time with the program //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "VMetaDBPlayer.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "VConditionFormula.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "VConditionSet.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Default MeatDB player constructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*//*-* =================================fMetaDB = 0;
//______________________________________________________________________________Int_tVMetaDBPlayer::Draw(const char* selexp, const char* selection, Option_t* option, Double_t start, Double_t length)
// Draws expression selexp for conditions defined in the database// Builds a TGraph representing selexp over time, vetoed by selection//// selexp is an expression (formula) referencing a combination of conditions// Example:// selexp = trig.amp simplest case: draw a plot of amplitude of // condition named trig// = sqrt(trig.p) : draw distribution of sqrt(trig.p)// = x*y/z : where x, y and z are conditions// defined in the database// Note that selexp may contain a selection.// example, if selexp= x*(y<0), the value plotted will be x if y<0// and will be 0 otherwise.// // selection is an expression with a combination of the conditions.// In a selection all the C++ operators are authorized.// The value corresponding to the selection expression is used as a veto // to plot the points. If it is not 0, the point is plotted.// The value returned is not relevant, only relevant is// (selection==0) -> point skipped or (selection!=0) -> point plotted//// Examples:// selection1 = "x<y && sqrt(z)>3.2"// selection2 = "(x+y)*(sqrt(z)>3.2"// selection1 returns a value = 0 or 1// selection2 returns a value = x+y if sqrt(z)>3.2// returns a value = 0 otherwise.// Warning : if there is no selection (selection=""), selexp itself// will be taken as selection expression, i.e. only points where// selexp != 0 will be plotted// // option is the drawing option// see TGraph::Draw for the list of all drawing options.// // start is the start time of the first conditions to process// (default is beginning of database values)// length is the length in time of the data to process (default is all data)//Double_t tmin, tmax, ymin, ymax, oldymin, oldymax, delta;
Double_t* vx, *vy;
Int_t npoints;
Double_t globstart, globend;
Double_t ccostart, ccoend, ccoval;
// Maximum number of points allowedInt_t MAXPOINTS = 100000;
TH1F* hr;
VConditionFormula* valform, * selform;
VConditionSet* condset;
TString opt = option;
if (opt.IsNull()) opt = "AP";
//*-*- Create a default canvas if none exists
if (!gPad && !opt.Contains("goff")) {
if (!gROOT->GetMakeDefCanvas()) return -1;
// ------ Sets default values for start and end of plot ------
if (start) globstart = start;
else globstart = fMetaDB->GetStart();
if (length) globend = globstart+length;
else globend = fMetaDB->GetEnd();
// Allocation of memory for arrays used in plotting
vx = new Double_t[MAXPOINTS];
vy = new Double_t[MAXPOINTS];
// ------ Selects the values to plot in the database ------
valform = new VConditionFormula("valform", selexp, fMetaDB);
if (strlen(selection)) {
selform = new VConditionFormula("selform", selection, fMetaDB);
condset = fMetaDB->CreateConditionSet(selexp,selection);
} else {
selform = new VConditionFormula("selform", selexp, fMetaDB);
condset = fMetaDB->CreateConditionSet(selexp,selexp);
npoints = 0;
ccoend = 0;
// Create a work condition set// condset = new VConditionSet(fMetaDB,valform,selform);Int_t cok = condset->NearestGESet(globstart); // Search and load the next set of conditions
if (!cok) {
Error("Draw","Error in loading a condition set");
delete condset;
return -1;
if (condset->GetIntersectionStart()<globstart) cok = condset->NextSet();
if (!cok) {
Error("Draw","Error in loading a condition set");
delete condset;
return -1;
// Look for all conditions satisfying the selection expression
while (ccoend < globend && cok && npoints<=MAXPOINTS) {
if (selform->EvalInstance(condset)) {
ccostart = condset->GetIntersectionStart();
ccoend = condset->GetIntersectionEnd();
ccoval = valform->EvalInstance(condset);
// Remove multiple points at the same position. This can happen with selection
if (npoints) {
if (ccostart-globstart != vx[npoints-1] || ccoval != vy[npoints-1]) {
vx[npoints] = ccostart-globstart;
vy[npoints] = ccoval;
// printf("np %d, vx %20f, vy %20f n",npoints,vx[npoints], vy[npoints]);
} else {
vx[npoints] = ccostart-globstart;
vy[npoints] = ccoval;
// printf("np %d, vx %20f, vy %20f n",npoints,vx[npoints], vy[npoints]);
cok = condset->NextSet();
delete valform;
delete selform;
delete condset;
// ---- Draws a frame if necessary and draws the result -----
hr = (TH1F*)(gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->FindObject("hframe"));
// Gets min/max
if (npoints) {
tmin = vx[TMath::LocMin(npoints,vx)];
tmax = vx[TMath::LocMax(npoints,vx)];
ymin = vy[TMath::LocMin(npoints,vy)];
ymax = vy[TMath::LocMax(npoints,vy)];
delta = (ymax-ymin)*0.1;
if (delta==0) delta = 0.1*ymax*(ymax!=0) + 0.1*(ymax==0);
ymin = ymin-delta;
ymax = ymax+delta;
} else {
if (hr) {
tmin = hr->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
tmax = hr->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
ymin = hr->GetMinimum();
ymax = hr->GetMaximum();
} else {
tmin = 0;
tmax = 1;
ymin = -1;
ymax = 1;
// Draw a frame to define the range if option contains "A"
if (opt.Contains("A")) {
hr = gPad->DrawFrame(tmin,ymin,tmax,ymax);
while (opt.Index("A") != kNPOS) opt.Remove(opt.Index("A"),1);
} else {
if (hr) {
oldymin = hr->GetMinimum();
oldymax = hr->GetMaximum();
if (oldymin > ymin) hr->SetMinimum(ymin);
if (oldymax < ymax) hr->SetMaximum(ymax);
if (opt.Contains("T") && hr) {
while (opt.Index("T") != kNPOS) opt.Remove(opt.Index("T"),1);
// Draws the graph
if (npoints) { // There is something to draw !
TGraph *gr = new TGraph(npoints,vx,vy);
delete [] vx;
delete [] vy;
return 0;
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