Serveur OPCUA générique
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Référence de la classe CTA_UA::Server

#include <cta_ua_server.h>

Fonctions membres publiques

 Server ()
 ~Server ()
int setServerConfig (const std::string &configurationFile, const std::string &applicationPath)
int setServerConfig (ServerConfig *pServerConfig)
int setCallback (OpcServerCallback *pOpcServerCallback)
ServerManager * getServerManager ()
int start ()
void getUrl (std::string *sUrl)
int stop (OpcUa_Int32 secondsTillShutdown, const UaLocalizedText &shutdownReason)

Documentation des constructeurs et destructeur

CTA_UA::Server::Server ( )
CTA_UA::Server::~Server ( )


Documentation des fonctions membres

ServerManager * CTA_UA::Server::getServerManager ( )
void CTA_UA::Server::getUrl ( std::string *  sUrl)
int CTA_UA::Server::setCallback ( OpcServerCallback pOpcServerCallback)

Sets the callback interface for the server object. This callback interface needs to be implemented if the application wants to implement user authentication.

pOpcServerCallbackInterface pointer of the callback interface.
Success code for the operation. Return 0 if the call succedded and -1 if the call failed. This call fails if it is called after starting the server with the method start.
int CTA_UA::Server::setServerConfig ( const std::string &  configurationFile,
const std::string &  applicationPath 
int CTA_UA::Server::setServerConfig ( ServerConfig *  pServerConfig)

Sets the server configuration by passing a server configuration object. One of the overloaded methods needs to be called to give the server a valid configuration.
This version allows to pass in a ServerConfig object with a user specific implementation.

pServerConfigInterface pointer of the object implementing the ServerConfig interface.
Success code for the operation. Return 0 if the call succedded and -1 if the call failed. This call fails if it is called after starting the server with the method start.
int CTA_UA::Server::start ( )

Starts the OPC server Initializes and starts up all NodeManagers and SDK modules. It is possible to add more NodeManagers after the server is started.

Success code for the operation. Return 0 if the server start succedded and -1 if the server start failed.
int CTA_UA::Server::stop ( OpcUa_Int32  secondsTillShutdown,
const UaLocalizedText &  shutdownReason 

Stopps the OPC server Shutdown and deletes all SDK modules and NodeManagers.

secondsTillShutdownSeconds till shutdown of the server if clients are connected.
shutdownReasonReason for the shutdown.
Success code for the operation. Return 0 if the server stop succedded and -1 if the server stop failed.

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