Located 50 km south of CERN, LAPP (Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-vieux de Physique des Particules) is very actively involved in several large international collaborations challenging the standard model of particle physics: BaBar, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, OPERA. Messengers from space are also studied in experiments like AMS, HESS or VIRGO which strives to detect gravitational waves. The experimental teams work in close contact with phenomenologist teams from LAPTH , a theory laboratory hosted in the same building. The laboratory is an ideal place for people willing to contribute to LHC physics. An international center for high energy physics (CIPHEA) is being set-up to develop collaborations on the themes accessible with LHC.

With its exceptional landscape of Lake and mountains, its cultural, sporting and games activities, friendly events and grand festivals, the Lake of Annecy is sure to charm you ...
